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For my 5th birthday, we flew to California to visit relatives and, of course, go to Disneyland. I asked my mother how the pilot would know where Aunt Parker lived. I thought he was going to make a stop for each passenger like a taxi driver.
I used to believe that when you flushed the toilet on an airplane it would promptly exit the rear of the plane.
I used to believe that after you flushed the toilet on an airplane that the waste would go out a trap door and land wherever the plane was flying over. I always pictured somebody walking down the street getting a face of full of human waste!!!
I used to believe that the attenae on the noses of fighter-jets were for piercing the fuel tanks of enemy planes.
I used to believe that the different countries of the world were stacked upon eachother on layers of clouds, and when you flew you had to fly up through the clouds.
When I was very young, I thought that every airplane I heard was directly above wherever I was and whoever was in the planes were going to drop bombs and kill everyone I knew.
i once saw this freaky x-files episode where this guy gets all his blood sucked out of him by this monster thing that was living on the ceiling in aeroplane bathrooms. even now, i still look at the ceiling before entering the aeroplane loo.
When I was young I used to think that the twin lights I'd see way up in the sky were car lights on a faraway mountain road. My dad told me they were.
top belief!
When my brother and I were little, we had walkie talkies. We also lived by an airport, so planes would frequently fly overhead. For the longest time we thought we were talking to pilots on our walkie talkies, but it only turned out to be our next door neighbor, who happened to have a walkie talkie that picked up our signal.
When I was about 5 I listened to 'Hatchet' on tape and it made me think that I should never go on a plane with anyone because they'd die and the plane would crash in a lake and their head would rot...
I used to live under the flightpath for a busy airport.
At night, as the jets flew over, I always expected that an engine would fall off the plane and pulverise me in my bed.
The whine the turbines made as they throttled down for landing sounded just like something big and heavy falling...
When I was little, every time I saw and heard an aeroplane pass overhead I thought it was a bomber and that we were at war, so I'd run inside and only emerge when the danger had passed.
I thought the trail left by aeroplanes in the sky was Grotbags (of Pink Windmill fame) was coming to get me on a hoover!
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