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when i was four my mom had a trip to london' england and she had to take a plane. i thought that the plane she was taking was going to park in our drive way and pick up my mom. the day of her trip i woke up at about 3 am hoping to get a glimpse of the plane. i was so dissipointed when i found out the plane was not coming to my house.
That the white stuff coming out of aeroplanes meant that someone on the plane had just got married.
I used to think that aeroplane engines are hugh rocket launchers. [similar to the jet fighters but much much bigger]
When I was little, I believed that sonic booms were from airplanes passing gas! haha!
I used to be scared of airplanes because I thought that when we got to the destination,we had to parachute out. This persisted until I was seven, when I went to the Yucatan, when my parents calmed my fears. Looking back, now I think it would be cool to jump out of the Airplane.
When I was little, my grandfather told me that the trails of condensation behind jets were people being thrown out of the plane because it was too heavy!
I remember believing that clouds where the exhaust fumes from airplanes.
When I was fairly young, I had seen parts of a few movies involving commercial airplane crashes on television. This gave me the impression that most planes crashed. I was quite frightened when I found out my grandfather would be flying overseas!
i heard that a lady i knew took a plane to fly somewhere, i believe her name was shirley. afterward if i ever saw an airplane i would stop whatever i was occupied with and greet shirley.
When I was really quite young I was in the car with my dad driving along, when I saw a vapour trail in the sky. I asked dad what it was and I heard him say, " That's a paper trail, it comes from a plane." I imagined the people throwing paper out of the plane as it went along. When I was 15 I ended up having a debate with a boyfriend about what it was; I was 100% certain it was still called a "paper trail". How embarrassing...
when i was a kid, i used to believe that once you get into a plane you need a passport and visa...
My earliest memory of being on a plane was from when I was about 3 years old. I asked my mother if she would let me get out and play in the clouds. I thought they were something solid that I could walk on.
when i was about 5 one of my friends told me that on an airplane you never actually went anywhere people just moved stuff around and made it look different
When I was 8 and about to migrate to Australia, I thought that once on the plane, i would be able to open the window and scoop some of the cloud and take it with me after I landed. Also thought the mini-cloud would be able to produce rain.
I used to believe that these big, strong men would be on each side of an airplane to push it when it takes off
When I was younger my brother told me that the white streaks of smoke that a jet leaves in the sky would kill me if they fell on my head, but only if there were two streaks of smoke. I believed him.
I used to believe when i was younger that if i saw airplanes in the sky that left the trail of smoke behind them, that they were Care Bears in their cloud cars hahaha. :)
top belief!
When I had just turned 4, I was on my first plane flight. When I asked what the paper bags were for, my dad told me that when you're very high up in a plane, you ears pop.
He then explain that the bag was for catching your ears, so they don't float away.
I had images of all these ears popping off, and all the passengers trying to catch them!
top belief!
I used to believe that when they said that you lost your luggage, that it actually fell out of the plane and landed in someones back yard. So i was always amazed when they found it.
i used to believe that the white smoke trails planes left in the sky WERE the planes. i didn't understand how they had doors or windows or how anyone traveled on them.
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