I believed travel trailers had a pool on top because the curved ladder was the same.
top belief!
My sister used to believe that the first person who got up in the morning decided what side of the road they wanted to drive on and then all of the other drivers adapted to them.
top belief!
The bus needed coins to run; it would melt them down and use them as fuel
top belief!
When I was a kid I called the articulated buses (the ones that are long and bend in the middle) "accordion buses" and sincerely believed that giants would come to our city and actually play the buses as accordions.
When I was younger I thought that bus stops were homeless shelters
top belief!
I used to think that if a movie was advertised on the side of a bus, that meant it was really good.
While travelling on a Bus I used to wonder how does the driver know where all these people want to go!
top belief!
When I was kid, i used to beleive that the bus drivers are so intelligent as they know when and where the passengers have to get down.
On the schoolbus whenever a voice came over the radio, I used to believe that they were people wedged into the ceiling/roof of the schoolbus, waiting their turn to say whatever it was they had to say
When I was little, I used to believe that because city busses were so long that they were not able to turn. And so every street had a bus that went straight through the city and everytime people had to go down a intersecting street, they had to take a new bus. Then when I saw the extra long accordian style busses, I thought people invented those busses so they could turn down streets.
I used to think school buses were huge worms.
When I was in kindergarten and first started taking the bus, I imagined that the bus was living and all the people on the bus were its internal organs. I never thought about what happenned when the people got off though...
Oh, and the bus had a name too. It was Thump, so whenever we went over a speed bump I would say "Bumpitty bump there goes Thump!".
top belief!
You know how school buses have those signs that say "STATE LAW STOP (while bus is loading and unloading)?" I thought that the "STATE LAW STOP" meant that laws didn't apply when you rode the bus. I assumed that criminals rode these buses because they wouldn't be able to get in trouble on them. It seemed like I saw these buses a lot (logically, since they were dropping kids off from school every day). I always wondered why police officers didn't bother to chase them. The buses were full; the officers could catch a lot of criminals that way!
When we went to the city centre by bus, we made the return journey from a different bus stop to that at which we'd arrived. So I thought we went back to a _different_house_ that was somehow arranged to resemble the house we'd left earlier.
my sista used to believe that wen buses broke down it was because their batteries had run out....
my brother used to tell me that he booked the whole bus whenever we got onto an empty bus. and when people got on i'll ask "I thought you said you booked it?" and he will come up with excuses like "that's my employee. He's called Mr ____
My brother was 3 when I was a frechman in college. One time when I was home visiting for the weekend, he asked me why I never brought my school bus with me. When I told him I didn't have one he answered that my mother had told him that I lived in a school bus. We later figured out that when he would ask my mom where I was she would tell him I was away at school. And since my sister (who was in high school) took a bus to and from school, I must just live on one! We still tease him about that one.
I used to believe that cars were fueled by peanutbutter, because one time on Magic Schoolbus, this dude lost a sandwich in the gas tank or something, and the peanutbutter was going through like gas, and making the bus work ... at least that's how i remeber it.
top belief!
When I'd see the ads for Greyhound on TV that said "Go Greyhound and leave the driving to us." I thought that meant that on other busses the passengers had to take turns driving.
top belief!
As a child (from the U.S.) I went on a trip to Europe with my family. While in Italy, I was disappointed that I never got to ride on one of the the tiny buses that I was expecting them to have there. Later I figured out how I got misled. I had heard someone say that Italian Greyhounds were much smaller than familiar Greyhounds. But what I figured out only later was that they were talking about dog breeds, not buses!
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