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top belief!
When I was a little girl, I used to think my car had a brain and knew where we were going. I never saw my father use the turning signals so I assumed that the car was doing it on its own. Kind of like a GPS, I thought it was telling my dad when to turn.
I used to believe that turning the steering wheel back and forth was what made the car move. So when I was 4 and I rode, with my dad, the cars that went around a track at Disney World, I turned the steering wheel back and forth rapidly and ignored the pedals. My dad had to control the pedals and eventually take the wheel for the car to go anywhere.
I used to believe that the automatic toll booths on the highway, where you press a button and a ticket comes out, had ants working inside the booth to carry each ticket on their backs to the slot and push it out.
When i waz younger like 6ish i thought that the sign at the back of truck that said " Air brakes keep back 17m" meant that there waz no air there and u coudnt breathe if u went to close.
I would think that every car that either my mom or dad wasnt driving a ghost was driving
I used to beleive that if you were driving and took your hands on the steering wheel that the car would totally go out of control
I used to believe that car pools were places you went to go swimming without leaving your car. I thought that you would just drive in the water and sit there. I was always dissapointed when my dad never drove 'to the car pool'.
When I was little I asked what the parking brake in my mom's car was for, and she said something about it being for hills. For as long as we had that car I was convinced that you pressed the button on the end of that lever to fire rockets out the back of the car to help you get up steep hills.
i thought that if you rolled up the windows on a hot day the heat would stay out and the car would cool without the air conditioner
i used to think that when you were in a car, you had to push or pull on the window or the car wouldn't make the turn. i belived this till i was 7 or 8
top belief!
I used to think my dad was magic, whenever we drove on the freeway in the rain he would be able to tell me when it would stop, and it would! Only for a few seconds but still he made the rain stop! It was only later that I realized we were driving under overpasses........
When you're driving on the highway there is this part of the road on the very side that if you drive over it it makes a loud noise to tell the driver that they went over too far. My dad told me it was so that when truckers (or people who'd been driving for a long time) fell asleep It'd make them wake up and start driving again. I thought this until I was 11.
top belief!
when I was a kid in daycare, my mom sent her boyfriend to pick me up early one day. when we walked out to the parking lot he looked all over for his car and said that somebody must have STOLEN it, so we should STEAL someone else's car to get home.
I didn't realize that he used keys to open up the drivers door of the fancy red car he decided we should "steal". being only 3 or 4 years old, and not getting the joke, I became hysterical and threw a fit. I kept yelling at him saying that stealing was wrong, and I refused to get in the car. He kept trying to calm me down and tell me that his car was in the shop and they loaned him this one for the next few days, but I just wouldn't hear it. I truely believed he was trying to steal a car that wasn't his.
I used to believe that the defroster lines in the back of your car would electrocute you if you touched them. My older sister told me this and I would never go near them.
I used to think that if you held a pencil over a piece of paper while you were in a car, you could make a map. Like, when the car turned the pencil would turn!
I used to believe that the car would automatically slow down when we were close to home because the car knew the way home & so knew when we were near the driveway.
When I was a youngin', I believed that the button on the end of the "windshield wiper/cruse control lever", if pressed, would make the car self-destruct...since my mother never told me to touch it.
When iwas little i thought that the Tick tock thing in the car was somehiding in the car making noises.
top belief!
I used to believe that the garage door opener (the remote) turned traffic lights green. when we came to a red light my dad would wait until the light was about to change and then grab the remote and click it. i was amazed and believed this for years.
top belief!
My parent's told me that if you push the button at the end of the handbrake in the car, the car will automatically flip onto it's head. When I was 14 my buddy and I were sitting in the car and he reached for the handbrake button - I hit him! He was not amused until I explained to him why I did it. Then he was VERY amused!
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