i used to believe

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I used to believe that "Oldsmobile" was a universal name for any old, big, rusty car. When I was some impressionable young age and just old enough to figure out how compound words worked, my father owned an old, big, rusty Oldsmobile. I concluded that "Oldsmobile" must mean "old + mobile."

Imagine my surprise when a few years later, he bought a new Oldsmobile that was not a rustbucket.

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When I was a kid, I believed that cars needed the stereo antennas in order to run. I thought that's where their energy came from. I would always put little antennas on my toy cars in order for them to be closer the being functional like "the real thing".

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My mom used to tell me that if I stuck my hand out the car window, my hand would get chopped off.

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I believed that if you opened the door of a car while it was in motion, the air pressure would suck you out, just like in an airplane.

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When I was about 5 I made up a game to play whilst riding in the car. The rules: Everyone is racing, if you pass us: disqualified, if you turn away from us: disqualified, if you don't turn with us: disqualified.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you are reading a passage left by none other than the one and only "Running Errands with Mom Race" Champion. Just email me if you would like an autograph.

Sad part is, I am 22 and every now and then, for nostalgic purposes, I will play this game. Except now I can drive and have more control over how fast everyone is allowed to go. :)

People's Champ
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as a kid i would collect the telephone poles with my fingers as my parents drove. i would also grab trees. i always left the signs up tho. i would just pinch at the air and thought i had gotten them.

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I used to beleive that you could never ever step on a crack, and if you did, bad things happened even if you didnt notice. so every time our car would ride over a crack, I thought the bumping feeling was the car jumping over the crack. I sometimes would help the car jump by acting lighter and jumping in my seat.

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I used to beleive that the 'fast' sound the car made when it switched gears was my dad speading. so I asked him once how he chooses when to speed and when not to. thinking it was a trick question, he replied "when the cops arent watching." ever since, I thought my dad watched for police men hiding behind bushes watching him, and when they were gone he started speeding. I spent my car trips watching out for police with him, just in case he missed one and started speeding.

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top belief!

When I was in elementary school, my mother would sometimes leave me in the car while she went into the grocery store or the library. I would sit in the front seat and pretend to be dead, so that no one would kidnap me, or steal the car. It wasn't until I was about 10 that I realized that no one was going to buy my mother was driving around with a corpse in the car. Since I looked like I was sleeping (holding my breath, with my eyes closed, not moving) they could still easily have taken the car, but surprisingly, that never happened!

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When I was little I used to believe that little men would run up the light reflectors posted on the side of the highways so we can have a "lighted outline" of the edge of the road all the way home.

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When I was younger my older brother convinced me that underneath the screw covers on the door handle of my mom's car there was a button that would turn the car into a airplane. I had nightmares about the car turning into a plane and impaling the cars next to it.

Lauren Wilfong
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I used to believe that when you sat in a car the world would move around you but the car itself would always stay in the same place!

Amanda Thomas
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It seemed like evreytime I was in a parking lot, there would be 2 cars of the same make and model parked next to eachother. I thought it was a law that you HAVE to park to a car the same as yours!

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My boyfriend's mother told him and his sisters that their car would not start if they didn't have tieir seatbelts on.

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I used to believe that the exhaust fumes coming from a car were actually what pushed it forward like a rocket

rocket car
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When I was younger, my parents always called the air conditioner simply "air" ('Turn on the air, turn off the air, etc.) Once we were driving and the air was on, and my mother said, "Don't roll down the window or the air will go right out the window?" Of course, she meant just the cold air, but I thought she meant the whole machine would be torn from the car and go flying out the window. I was always very careful to never open my window.

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I always thought that gas was black and slimy like heavily used oil (maybe because of cartoons). I was so convinced of this that the first time I pumped a car full of gas as a teenager and saw what came out, I thought they were trying to rip me off by watering it down!

Ann Y.
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For some strange reason I used to think Hummers were the cars used to carry the dead in funeral processions. It took me until I was about 14 years old to realize the hearses carried the dead people, not Hummers.

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When I was very young, maybe two or three, my mum was dropping my brother off at school. I came along and rode in the car. My mum was then going to drive home, but I wanted to go somewhere else, like the shops. But my mum didn't want to go there. So while I was sitting in the car, I tied pushing back against the seat - I thought I'd be strong enough to make the car change direction and go to the shops.

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i useed to believe that fuel was free for vehicles

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