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When I was little I thought drinking and driving meant you couldn't drink anything while driving. So when I was little and I saw my mom drinking Pepsi while she was driving the car, I'd get very worried that she'd get arrested or we'd all get killed.

Hanjax 70
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When I was a child I used to believe that a camper was some kind of resort.

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Kid me thought that only old people were allowed to own and drive Oldsmobile cars. After all, it's right in the name, isn't it?

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We used to have a really small old car. As a lot of other cars were much bigger I used to think that our car was just a baby car and other cars were adult cars.
This made me think that cars could grow and petrol was their food. I believed that if we kept feeding our car petrol it would become bigger and faster like "adult" cars

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I used to think that petrol was the car's food so the car would grow bigger and go faster..

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I saw a car that was parked near our street that wasn't used for a few weeks and had the license plate ripped off. My dad said that if the owner of the car doesn't return, someone with a tow truck is going to tow it away. I thought they would tow the car away with a truck shaped like a foot!

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I used to think that a tow truck was a "toe truck" and that it was shaped like a foot.

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I used to think that "don't drink and drive" meant no drinking any beverage while driving. I would freak out whenever my mom would drink soda while in the car.

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When my sister and I were little, my mom told us that the rumble strips on the road were so that blind people could drive. My sister believed her until she was twelve.

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I used to believe that the cars were always in a race and I always was looking for the first place and also I told my father that he have to speed up if he wants to win.

Paola Martínez Mercado
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I used to believe that my dad car would levitate when you got into it

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Once, I was with my older cousin and my uncle and we were driving around in his car and then my uncle said we'd get a car wash. After we got the car wash (and we were still in the car) my cousin and uncle convinced me that the car wash we went to was one that changed the colour of your car and I firmly believed it. When we got out of the car, they told the colour was worn off and the car had gone back to its old colour and for many years all the way to almost high school, I believed that there were car washes where you could select a new temporary colour for your car and would always asked my confused dad if we could go to one.

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In Spanish the word "cow"is used for two things, the animal and a car roof rack (!). So When my parents talked about buying one for our car, I told themcrying, I don't want a cow," I prefer a lamb for the car"

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When I was preschool age, I didn't have a very good sense of space yet. In the car, I'd see us driving towards objects that were, at that distance, positioned "above" the hood. Since they were in line with the hood, and moving toward us, I reasoned that it meant we were hurtling straight toward them! It made car rides pretty stressful until I figured out I was simply wrong.

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For a long time when I was a kid, I thought that the wheels on my parent's car didn't move at all, and that the car just hovered an inch above the ground (I thought this because I was always IN the car whenever it was being driven.) I also couldn't tell that OTHER car wheels were moving because they were going so fast, so I assumed that the wheels of those cars were just flat.

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I used to belive that if you pushed the lighter button in a car it would tranforme it into a batmobile

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I used to think that my father pedaled fastly when the car was racing through the countryside

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Ever wish that a car could be like hurbie or bubblebee ...
well I have a story to tell... my grandad bought a 1971 oldsmobile custlass s model . She is so pretty ! We named her sweet 71 . (Please dont remove my post i will get to the belive ) anyway i nicknamed her sweetc . She sits in the garge a lot of times i go to see my granddad but there are a few cases where she acts alive .. one is when my grandad starts her up on a cool day the car chaters like its shivering . But when it warms up it stops . The next one is I like to talk to her while I sit and pretend to drive her . I had the radio in her on and the radio faded and i was like weard ? And i said what happened sweetc ? Soon the song dimond ring and old bar stools by tim mcgraw came on and many time i said i love you to her . And she said by unfadeing the radio at the right moment to say (i love you and see i told you so..) and it faded . I hope you think this is cute and she has other storys to but thats some of the best ones . Thanks for reading (maby sweet71 is alive after all?)

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When I was little, I thought that I could open the trunk of a car with my mind. When I went grocery shopping with my dad and he was carrying the bags, I'd just "open" the trunk for him. He would congratulate me, and I would proudly say "Well, I am a witch!" One day my mom showed me the button on the keys that opened the trunk. My little heart was shattered.

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My parents drove a stick shift and I noticed them moving it back to first gear at stops. When I was little I thought they were just wiggling the stick around for fun every so often.

Proud Manual Driver
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