i used to believe

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I used to believe that the HOV lane was for hover craft only.

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I used to think that gasoline was snakes. Since cars had "horse power", and horses were scared of snakes, I thought that there were snakes in the gas tank. The snakes scared the horses, and once the horses were scared, they started running...powering the car.

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Once, before I stopped believing everything my father told me, my brothers and I were riding in the backseat of our new car. I had never seen shoulder-strap adjusters before (elastic-held clips for pulling seatbelts away from smaller people's necks) and had begun to fiddle with them when my father cried out, "Son! Don't touch that!" With conviction in his voice inspired by his insatiable desire to make a fool out of his eldest, he continued, "That is the ejection seat cord! If you pull on that, the rear windshield will blow out and rockets will fire the seat out of the car. It is only to be used in case of an accident. Do you understand?" I felt as if I'd almost put my hand into a shark's mouth. Pale-faced, I asked, "Is there a parachute?"
"Of course there is," he sternly replied. "You need to be able to float down away from the accident. Now don't mess with them anymore, they're very sensitive."
As any kid would do, I then bragged to my friends and my friends' parents about our 'ejection seat' that my dad had told me about. Somehow those good parents kept straight faces and my friends were either clueless enough to believe me or thoughtful enough to let that one slip by. Some eleven years later and it might as well have happened yesterday. Sheesh.

Lee Hall
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I used to think that there wes another set of brakes in the passenger seat of a car, just incase the person sitting on that side sow something that we were about to hit that the driver didn't. That was why little kids couldn't sit in the front.
Boy, did I get a big surprise when I turned twelve.

w00t I'm anonomus
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My Grandpa told me to never fall asleep in a car because I'd die from the carbon monoxide. While this could be true with a massive degree of CM poisoning, he made it soudn like just falling asleep would kill me!

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i used to think cars with white light drove on one side of the road and cras with red light drove on the other. Until i asked my dad about it while we where in the car and he told me to look behind us....

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When I was little, I would always yell at my dad for drinking pop or water when he was driving. I always thought that when people said that it was bad to "drink and drive", I thought it meant that ALL drinking and driving was bad. I didnt realize that it meant just alcoholic drinks.

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I use to believe the sound that a car made when it was running low on gas was what they called horse power...

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Ever since I was a toddler, my family was fond of Toyotas. We've gone through a few cars since then, but one of my best memories was about our Oldsmobile when I was around 3 years of age. Whenever we went on trips, I'd marvel at all the cars that went faster and passed us, or were stuck behind us because I thought that our car only had one speed it could go on the highway, and that was it. I'd snicker at the cars that were slower and forever stuck behind us, and sulk whenever other cars whizzed by. It never occured to me that all the vehicles -- us included! -- had gas pedals and brakes!

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On our long trips from Michigan to Massachusetts to see relatives, I would try to sleep for as long as I could because I believed time changed and went incredibly fast when you were asleep. I wondered what happened to the other people in the car when this happened.

Whitney Sauve
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I used to think that i could make our car move faster by wishing for it and pushing the seat
really hard with both my hands and feet in front of me.i never believed my ma who told me
my dad was driving faster to make me happy,i thought she doing it just to make me stop,
well ,that too i guess!!

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I used to believe that gas (like the kind you put in a car) was really grass. My mom and dad were curious as to why I put grass in my toy car and I was curious as to why the paid for "grass" when they could just get it in the backyard!

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I used to believe that there were little mice in the door of a car that rolled the window up and down. When I traveled in my grandparent's car and they had manual windows, i thought that the mice were tired so we had to do it ourselves. I believe it was either my dad or grandpa that told me this.

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When I was very young, I always thought that when my family went on car trips, that my step dad only sat in the driver's seat and that the car somehow knew where to go and took us to those places. Boy, did I ever feel dumb when I finally found out the truth! Dad,I miss you and Thanks for being my dad!

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top belief!

When I was younger my mother told me and my siblings that the emergancy light button in the car was really a button that would explode the car if you pushed it. One day my mom left us all in the car while she went into the gas station. My mom had told my little brother that the button really didn't do that (but the rest of us didn't know that) and he pushed the button. We all jumped out of the car and started crying until our mom came back. We told her what had happend and she had to sit on the sidewalk from laughing so hard.

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When I was little I always saw the little note on the mirror in the car on the side that says, " Things that are in the mirror are closer than they appear" so i asked my big cousins what it meant and they said it was a joke...so I belived that for years

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When I was younger, I used to believe that the car-wash was eating the car everytime we went. My mum still picks on me for it.

Quality Beans
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i used to believe that electric cars had to stay plugged in to a wall socket all the time even when you are driving. i wondered how they could have a long enough cord to go on vacations!!!

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When I was a kid and I went into the car with my dad, I'd always roll down the window and it annoyed him, so eventually he locked it. I thought that I had made the window mad and if I waited long enough it would forgive me. I waited one year and then tried the window again, and lo and behold, it worked.

Car Windows
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One afternoon I was sitting on the porch watching the occasional car go by, not being able to see the drivers. I then decided to count how many moving cars I could spot that were driving on their own.

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