i used to believe

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I used to believe that the headrests in cars were made out of ET's head.

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I used to believe that when we drove in the car the car would not move and everything else would. I got sick from spinning so if everything else moved the earth would spin so I was afrid that I would get sick everyday because people where driving on the road. When I did get sick I would always shout "It's all those stupid cars fault!!!"

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When I was really young, I used to play with gear shift when the car wasn't running. To make me stop, my mom told me that if I played with it, the car would implode. I believed it till I was 12!

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I used to think that the streetlights propelled cars along the highway at night. I saw the refracted light in the glass and thought they were rays of light that somehow pushed the car. I'm not sure how I thought we got around during the day.

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when I was a small child, I would while away long car journeys on rainy days by wondering what made the windscreen wipers move.
When I was about 5 or 6, it suddenly occurred to me that of course it was a ghost was sitting on the bonnet, + as my parents didn't seem concerned, it must have been a freind of theirs when it was alive.
This thought terrified me so much that I had to close my eyes every time the wipers moved.

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My mom used to drive us over a ramp called Dead Man's Curve and it terrified me. I thought that when we drove over it we were going to die. My mom would call out "We're going over Dead Man's Curve!" without realizing that I was scared out of my mind.

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I used to believe that only women drove cars and only men drove trucks. When I saw a man driving a car, I thought he was a sissy.

Pam H.
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At my elementary school, they called the buses by a color. My bus was "blue bus." Before I actually saw it, I thought that my bus would actually be blue. On my first day of school, I realized that all buses were yellow.

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I remember my best friend and I used to always hold our breath going over the bridge that's over the river close to our home, in case we fell in. I'm not sure if we really believed it or not, but I remember doing it every time.

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This is actually my college roommates belief.

You know how wheels on cars sometimes look like they are going backwards when the car is going fast? Well, her father told her that they really were going backwards, because everyone knows that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Well, when she was 16, she was out with friends, and someone mentioned how funny it was that wheels look like they go backwards, and she proceeded to enlighten them with her father's explanation, that she had believed for all those years. :o)

Kendra's roomie
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i used to believe that electric cars had to be plugged in to outlet to work. I was wondering why i never saw any cars with really long cords trailing behind them!

turd is a phunnie word
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top belief!

When I was child I believed that all of those buildings labelled "Body Shop" were places adults could go to trade in their used-up bodies. And they were very popular, judging by the number of cars that always surrounded them!

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When I was little and me and my family would be in the car and we would go under an overpass or bridge I would duck my head because my friends told me that if you didnt your head would get cut off!

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I used to think you could be arrested just for driving 5 mph over the speed limit. My dad did this all the time, and I was terrified and begged him not to.

Brandon Campbell
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A friend told me and a few other friends the other day that her mom had told her when she was little that if she inhaled petrol fumes she would die, so every time her parents went into a gas station, my friend would hold her breath!

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I used to think that when a car would drive on grass the battery would die. Cars that breakdown are for the most part on the side of the road. I used to get scared when my dad drove near grass.

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When I was little I believed that cars could drive up over the huge humps that some bridges have on top of them and then come down to road level again, and when I didn't see any cars do it I just thought I was there at the wrong time or that they were just being modest and trying not to show off or that they chose not to drive over the humps at the time I was going across that bridge.

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When i was little i was convinced that the street lights with two heads, like you get on motorways (in the UK) or on busy roads, were alive and could show their emotions. If both the heads were lit then the light was happy, if they were both unlit than it was sad, and if only one of the two was lit then it was happysad.whan my dad was driving down the road i would play a game with my mom to see how many i spotted and would have to say what the lights were feeling out loud as we passed each one. One time time all the lights on the motorway were only half lit and i went a bit mad just continually saying happysad(they are very close together so you can imagine how fast i had to say it).another time there was a power cut... I thought the world was coming to an end and thats why all the lights were sad and i burst out crying

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My bedroom window faced the street outside, and I thought that the cars that passed outside at night were driven by maniac people who had the power to know if I was still awake and moving around in bed , and that they would come deliberately plowing into the wall with the car if they sensed me. As long as the headlights didn't graze me I would be okay.

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top belief!

In our old car, there was a button that had a picture of little man on it, with little "air waves" near his feet.

This, of course, was the button to make the heat/air blow on your feet. But from far away, it looked like the hspe of a turkey. I thought it was the emergency turkey switch.

What would you use an emergency turkey switch for?

Jessica Tinch
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