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As an important safety tip, mom used to tell me to have my keys ready in my hand when entering a parking garage (kinda strange advice for a 5 year old, but you never know).
For the longest time I thought women did this because the keys could be used as a weapon to gauge an attacker's eyes out.
top belief!
when i was little i thaught the mirrors on car doors were actually little tvs ans we all had a special movie to watch.
sometimes whan i was bored of my "movie" i tried to watch other peoples "movies" as they drowe past
I used to believe that if I stuck my hand out the window of the car, it would get cut off!
When I was little, I always thought that the turn signals actually turned the car. Of course, that didn't explain what the steering wheel was for. I came to the conclusion that the steering wheel was manual and the turn sighals were automatic: A driver turning a steering wheel could handle all the little bends and turns in the road just fine, but actually rounding a corner was beyond the strength of mere mortals, and so mechanical aid was needed. If you know absolutely nothing about cars except from what you glean by watching your parents driving, this explanation makes a lot of sense. I was older than I'd like to admit when I found out I was wrong...
top belief!
When me and my 3 other siblings were misbehaving in the car, our parents would threaten to pull the car over and spank us. It turned out the be an empty threat, but I always beleived that cars pulled over on the side of the road (regardless of open hoods or smoke) were full of a bunch of rowdy kids getting spankings.
top belief!
When I was 4 years old my parents bought a new car one day, and I thought the old one had just lifted into the sky and floated away.
when i was young i used to believe that the 'L' plate on the car meant it was a 'lady' driver, not a 'learner' driver. mainly becuase my Dad kept on shouting at them, and he also shouted at female drivers. go figure!
when we were young, my friend and i thought that the old jiffy lube commercial, ( every 3,000 miles) meant that each station was LITERALLY EVERY 3,000 miles and each were at exactly a 3,000 mile radius to eachother and exactly pinpointed all over the globe, (even in the ocean and things) and we always wondered WHY you would drive so far away to get your oil changed when they sold it in the gas station...
When i was little, about 5 or 6, i used to believe that if a car was older thanyours, it couldn't overtake you
When I was little, my grandparents had a car that my Grandmother would refer to as "the jalopy". I thought that a jalopy was a car company, like Ford or Chevy. Then one time when my parents were looking for a new car, I told them that we should get a Jalopy. They just looked at me funny.
I used to clench my teeth as we passed driveways, intersections, etc because I thought doing so would help us safely arrive at our destination.
I used to believe that all cars had the year of manufacture on them somewhere that was visible to anyone outside the car. I'd be with someone (always a guy) who would say something like.... "check out the '73 mustang". I thought the only way they could know what year the car was made was that it was "printed" somewhere on the back end of the car!
I remember being in our behind an old truck going slowly up a steep hill. My dad said that it was going too slowly and that he should change gear. For some years I thought that you had to take a chnage of clothes with you when driving trucks!
top belief!
I used to believe those handles in cars above the window were called Jesus Handles, because my mom always grabbed hers and yelled "Jesus!" whenever someone else drove badly.
I used to think if u left a car started in park, that it would drive away on its own and kill people..I would scream at my mom if she left the ignition on and I'd cry.
When I was younger, I used to believe that the disabled logo in a carpark space was of a man going to the toilet so if you were desperate for the loo, you could park your car there and get to the toilet quicker!!
When I was younger, I used to believe that at the start of every car trip, you told the car where you wanted to go, and as you traveled, the car's directionals would point you in the right direction so you would never get lost.
As a child, whenever I saw under the hood of a car, the radiator fan seemed to be the only obvious thing that was turned by the engine. So I thought for some time that the fan was a propellor that propelled the car, much like an airplane propellor propels the plane.
When I was younger I always used to believe that an L-plate on a car meant that they had been on the back of one of those big lorries that transports new cars. I was always really jealous and thought they were just trying to show off, and even asked my dad how we would go about getting ourselves one! hehe!
I used to get very distraught at the thought of all the underground tunnels there must be for thousands of cats, that poked their head up for all those catseyes that appear in the middle of the road
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