i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was young (5-6) I was terrifed of going to the automobile repair shop. I had heard people refer to them as "THE BODY SHOP" and I was positive that no good could come of going to a place that stored dead bodies.

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I used to believe that there was a little man who lived under the hood of the car. My dad told me he was who made the windshield wipers work, the lights go on, etc.

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I used to believe that the road moved and everything else was stationary. Driving: Reverse would makethe road mve, turing would cause the road to turn and braking would cause the road to stop. I was very confused on how this worked when I walked places.

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When I was little, my dad would always bring home random gifts that "fell off the truck." For years, I thought that trucks had these faulty doors that, at any moment, could pop open and spill its contents.

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I believed that vehicles were propelled by the exhaust pipe that was coming straight out the back. However, I could not figure out how the vehicle was propelled by the ones that came out to the side of the car. Around ages 4 to 6.

Richard J Brown
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When I was a child I noticed, on the freeways, that when I looked at the cars in front of us the lights were red (tailights), and when I looked at the cars on the opposite side of the freeway the lights were white (headlights). This lead me to beleive that when you drove at night, you turned on either your white lights or your red lights, depending on which direction you were traveleing.

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When I was about 4 or 5, I used to believe that the lighted arrows on the dash that came on when you turned on your turn signal let you know if your car was working okay. I thought that there were both red and green arrows and that if they came on green, it was okay to turn, if they came on red, the car would break down. My mom swears that her car only has green arrows, but I clearly remember a time when our car broke down when turning into a parking lot, and shortly before that I saw that the turn signal arrow was red.

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When we'd drive in our car and I saw signs that said "Speed limit enforced by radar" I had never seen a police radar gun, so I thought it meant there were people hunched over big round radar screens somehow watching you drive.

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that car headlamps were eyes. the ones that rose up really freaked me out!

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I used to believe my dad when he told me in order to hear each other speak in the car our voices had to travel out to the electical wires that lined the highways. Because we drove so fast this was the only way for voices could keep up.

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I used to believe that if you stuck your hands or head or anything out of the window of a car, a giant steam roller with sharp edges and knives and pointy things would come and chop your arm off. Only dogs could sense when one would come, so they wouldn't get their noses chopped off. I always screamed at my dad for keeping his arm out of the window.

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When I was little, my mom used to put the radio on 'scan' and said that the only way to change the channels was to touch different areas in the car (seats, cieling of car, floor, console, etc.)! I believed her until I was like 11!

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When I was really little I was told by my Dad that when we were driving under a bridge I had to duck my head, or else it would hit me. I believed him for years and years...

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I used to Believe that when you were stuck in traffic it meant that there was an old person infront that was driving slow and holding everyone up.

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top belief!

I used to believe that if you went over the speed limit in a car it would beep three times then explode. My dad used to do this to me and keep revving up all the time and I'd scream and cry.

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When I was little, I used to sit in the back of the car and "sing" with the car, which was the gears revolving in the car.

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When I was young, I thought that if you put the hazard lights on while the car was moving, it would explode. I'm still not entirely sure where I picked this up.

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I used to believe that you could drive when you were eleven...Now I'm 13 and know better!

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top belief!

Really, really odd...

When I was little I used to think that the way cars got around was that they had two invisible bits of string in the front with hooks attached. When the person wanted to move forward, they would press a button and one of the hooks would come out the front of the car and latch onto a lamp-post, then the string would be reeled in to drag the car along... then the same would happen on the other side of the road. I used to look out for the little hooks and strings (?!?!?!) I didn't realise what lamp-posts were really for lighting the road until I was about 7... :-S ODD KID

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i learned how to drive when i was 15. i'd never driven before or really watched anyone drive. so when i was driving on a dirt road at 30 mph and suddenly parked the car as we were entering on to the pavement(which screwed up the transmition) my dad yelled, "WHY THE HELL DID U JUST SWITCH FROM DRIVE TO PARK?" and i said, "drive and park? I Thought it was Dirt to Pavement!"

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