i used to believe

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i used to believe that it was against the law to look out the window at drivers or passengers in other cars on the road

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I used to believe that bits of cloud would hit the car if we drove through a 'Cloudburst'.

I used to believe that my Dad didn't really go to work, but sat in the garage in his car all day.

I used to believe that the world's problems would be solved if everyone prayed for Satan to get converted ('Love your enemies and pray for them that persecute you'.) Like it was a trick question only I had worked out!

There were more, but I've forgotten them. I'll be back!

Gill A.
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Okay, a couple car beliefs from me:
*My brother and I tried to make the car fly when we went through a dip. We thought if we flapped our arms, even if fully inside the car, we could make the car fly when it came up from the bottom of the dip. We also got our cousin to do this whenever he was with us
*I was kind of perplexed about hazard lights until I was about 12. My first thought (until about 8) was, How do you turn left and right at the same time, and I thought you'd get pulled over for confusing the traffic. Then later on it was, How do you turn this off. I thought this when they were turned on and I was sitting in the driver's seat fiddling with the indicator control trying to turn it off. The inside indicator lights flashing just annoyed me more because I couldn't control them!
*Another belief I had: How in the world do the indicators no when to go on and off? Off, understandable, they click off when the wheel goes back. On, I just never saw my parents flip it as the turned the wheel.

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Until about the age of 6 or 7, I wondered how you could keep both hands on the wheel, as well as hold on to the key in the ignition. I thought the car wouldn't work unless you held it in there, and turned to the end (ie, the "start engine" position). I guess if I kept a closer eye on my paretns driving I'd have noticed sooner that you can just let the keys hang there.

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Whenever I was in the car at night, and my parents used the high-beam (which was a blue indicator), I always looked for a blue light shining out of the car. After I outgrew this, I wondered why a high-beam indicator was a rock flying through the air or something (that's what it looks like, the rock with the "speed lines" coming out the back). I held this one until I was about then, then saw it another way and realised it was a light with light beams shining out. I think I also thought it was a magnet or something, and they were "suction lines"). The best thing about my personality is that I usually don't reveal these crazy beliefs I have. This was one I didn't reveal.

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I didn't believe this 100% but I thought that when you travel by car the roads moved and the car stayed still. I only ever thought this on long trips (on a highway, when the road doesn't split up as much as in town). The thought never occured to me whenever I was being driven in town.
I was about 3 or 4. Then I realised three things that disproved my theory:
1. It would get confusing when you have to turn off one road and onto another (the road would have to change directions)
2. I was standing outside and saw many cars move along the road
3. How did the road manage to move in two directions at the same time whenever there was oncoming traffic?

As Isaid, I didn't 100% believe this myself, it just made me feel better knowing there was an explanation for how the car moved :)

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top belief!

When I was a kid and my mum and dad would send me to the shops for milk or something, I'd deliberately cross the road at extremely dangerous times, close to cars whizzing past, etc. The reason for this is that I thought a film director could be looking out for a stuntman for his next hollywood production.

I was never discovered, but I'm still alive, which is a plus ;)

Jim "Danger" Hance
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top belief!

I used to believe that you needed to have curly hair in order to drive a car. I had confused the word "Perm" with "Permit". Both of which my mother received within the same week.

Megan C.
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We were having new tyres put on our car, when our four year old son pointed to a pile of worn out tyres awaiting their fate, and asked, "Mum what are all those sick and tireds for?"

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I used to believe that freeways never ended, and that if you drove long enough you could go anywhere, even to China!

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I used to believe that the steering wheels in all cars were made from Impregnable Steel. From then on, i though anything that had that funny plastic/leather feel to it was made from the same stuff.

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When she was very young (maybe four or so) my sister thought that the white stripe dotted lane markers were "loaves of bread going to market." The road was the conveyor belt that took them there.

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Due to an explanation I once heard my mother give, for many years I thought that after any car crash, the two cars' bumpers stayed glued to each other and they should be taken away from the scene of the accident as one.

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A few years ago (I'm 13), I was in the car and my brother told that you could magically move the mirrors. All you have to do is feel the power draining through your arm to your fingers and then release it powerfully towards the mirror. Because when he tried it worked, I thought it was real. After about 20 minutes of trying but not succeeding I realised he was turning a lever!

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top belief!

There used to be kids, wherever we drove, who would hide at the sides of the road and throw stones at me and the car I was in. I'd always peek out of the windows, looking for them, but I never caught a glimpse. They must be extremely good at hiding, I guessed.

Not until much later did I realise that the stones thrown by these evil kids were just the tyres throwing up gravel against the car.

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Whilst in the car I asked my mum where's that music coming from. She said 'WHERE d'you think! Its a man underneath the car'
For a long time I believed you could turn the knob in the car and the man
would sing to you.

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I used to believe that new cars always went faster than old cars, and was made up one day when our old car overtook a flashy new car!

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I used to think that when the weatherman said Wind Chill Factor He saying Windshield Factor, and was talking about how cold your car's windshield would be. (I always wondered why that ws so important.)

Cold and corrected
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When I was 5 or 6, I thought that a car wash was a car wish and that if you drove your car in you could wish for whatever car you wanted. I could never figure out why my parents didn't take advantage of this great invention! I wish I could now!

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When I was younger, I used to believe that the beams of light from streetlights used to pull the car along, I never could work out how the car moved during the day when the lights weren't on!

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