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I used to believe when I was little that when driving in a car, the car stayed still, at the top of the world and by using the controls, the world would move.
top belief!
I used to believe that speedbumps were actually there for the blind to drive, and they read it like braille. Thanks to my older brother and sister of course.
i used to believe cars could fly, but only the rich had them in big cities. Thus, i never saw them.
top belief!
Iused to believe that car engines where in fact horses and when you put petrol in t was their food. I was very dismayed the first time I saw the inside of a car!
When I was little, I used to believe that my dad was enormously clever, because however far we were driving, he always knew the way. I imagined every trip was like knowing how to get from our house to school, once you'd made the journey 4 or 5 times, you remembered it, but someone who knew the way had to show you first.
I also used to worry in case we had to go to the wrong sort of garage and get different petrol than that currently in the tank. I thought you couldn't mix Esso with Shell for instance.
When I was younger I used to believe that FIAT cars were actually FLAT cars. I was really confused that they weren't flat.
When we were driving on a particularly hilly road, my mom told me that, when I got to driving, I should be careful because when you switch the car into neutral, the brakes don't work.
I used to believe that the cats eyes i the middle of the road actually were just that! And that everytime my dad ran over one in the car, he had killed a cat!
My parents told us that the "child catcher" from "Chitty chitty bang bang" drove Pickford trucks so to shut us up on long car journeys they would tell us they could see one in the distance. for years Pickford drivers would see 5 small children all hiding between the card seats being very quiet.
top belief!
I used to hold my breath as I walked past cars waiting in traffic. I beleived the fumes would kill me instantly. It was difficuilt getting to school somedays.
My Brother (then about 7 years old) thought that the beeps heard at Level Crossings were there to tell blind drivers when to stop!
top belief!
When I was about 5 my parents told me not to stick me arm out the window when travelling in the car as it might be cut off by oncoming traffic. So then I figured that if you stuck your arm out of the window a chainsaw popped out of the oncoming cars bonnet which then cut off your arm. I believed this for a few years.
I lived in a very small town until I was 10. There was only one transport company that delivered there. It was called the Dickie Trucking Company.
Until we moved, I believed that all semi-trucks (lorries) were called "Dickie" Trucks.
I used to believe that if a car or lorry went past you while you were stood on the dropped kerb part of the pavement you would get electricuted. I still occasionally rush to the higher pavement. I'm 25.
I used to believe that the inspection stickers on cars indicated the cost of the car, ie, a 12 meant $12 etc.
When I was small I wondered what force drove cars along.. I decided that it must be something like a jet plane or a hovercraft, so (obviously) the exhaust pipe was the driving force, with the exhaust "smoke" pushing the car along. Eventually, I realised that this wasn't the case because all the cars with one exhaust would only be able to round in circles..
I had used my awesome powers of deduction and prodigous knowledge of "science" to work it out - I seem to remember being absurdly proud of myself!
I once asked my Dad about the blue tinting along the top edge of the windsheild in cars. He told me it happened when they were manufactured because they were dipped in a tank of blue tinting and then when they were lain down all of the tinting ran to the top edge.
top belief!
I used to believe that petrol was a solution of some substance in water (say, like syrup). So why not just buy the petrol powder for your car, and add your own water? Easy!
I used to believe that one day all of the roadworks would be finished and that there would never be any traffic jams
top belief!
When i was a kid some 40 years ago, we sometimes were taken to the new Forest in Hampshire. At this time a new road had been built with a fly-over on it. Whenever i heard that we were going on the fly-over, i thought it meant there was no middle to the bridge, and we had to go fast enough up the ramp to fly over the gap in the middle. I was petrified by the prospect.
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