i used to believe

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When taking trips we used to tell our daughter her job was to watch for falling rocks. Her father and I had her doing this until she turned at least 11.

Rock Falling Mom
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I believed that the rotation of cars tires caused the earth's rotation, that really people in cars stayed pretty still and the tires moved the earth beneath them toward their destination.

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When I was small, I was convinced that if my father would let me open all four doors of the car while we were moving they would act like wings and the car would fly.

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Some really smart kid told me that the sensation of movement while in a car was an illusion. Really, it was the earth turning. I was ready to buy this until I noticed cars coming in the opposite direction - then I became very confused.

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Whenever we were going somewhere in our car, my mum always told me that the car would not start unless I was wearing my seat-belt. Of course, she meant that she would not start the car, but until I was about ten years old, I thought that seat-belts were somehow connected to a car's engine.

Alisha - British Columbia, Canada
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i used to think that "NO PARKING ANYTIME; FINE $50" meant that it was ok to park there if you paid a policeman $50.

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When I was a child i thought turtle wax, was to wax turtles.

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when i was at the races the indy cars would brake and the wheels would go red and i was told that demons lived in there

Scott Sharples
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When I was small I thought that my parent's car didn't move over the Earth, rather, that we kept going straight and the world turned itself to accomodate where we were going. Then I factored in that there were cars travelling in the opposite direction and ones even turning when we weren't. I was then forced to believe that the world itself was just a giant rubix cube turning and rotating itself all at once so everyone could get where they were going. Eventually I figured it out.

Sarah C
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I used to think the car's blinker had to be on for it to be able to turn. O_O;

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I and all the kids in my family used to believe that you had to pick your feet up when driving over a bridge or they would get wet. We would also duck down when we passed an old abandoned shack so that the ghosts that lived there would not haunt us later.

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I remeber once in the car at night with my dad asking him how much money it cost to power all the cats eyes in the road, I though it was a dreadfull waste of power! Then I learnt how reflectors work.

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When I was little, I used to think that if you were listening to a song on the radio in the car, that it would pick up where it left off when you got back in.

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when i was young after watching the Flintstones i used to believe that monkeys ran in our tires to make the car work.

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my brother used to belive that we could take the car and drive to "the old days". as if it was a geografic...

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When I was a kid I used to be afraid of the transformers on electricity poles as I thought they would jump off the pole onto the car as we drove past it.

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I believed with all my heart that the wish you made on your birthday ( when you blow out the candles ) would come true ( if you blew them all out on one try ) Well, for my 7th birthday all I wanted was a Winnebago! So my parents TOTALLY got me all set up...saying "If you blow them out, you'll get one!" Of course, they put trick candles on my cake....and I couldn't blow them out...and I was devastated over the thought of my lost Winnebago ( thinking this was MY fault because I couldn't do it) Then I found out my parent's put trick candles on the cake, and I was mortified to think they could be so mean!!

Jill ( still getting over that one )
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When I was about 6 years old my family owned a Ford. At that time there was a commercial for Ford on television that said Ford leads the way, so whenever my father was driving I'd urge him to drive faster to get ahead of all of the traffic ahead of us because, since we had a Ford, we HAD to lead the way.

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My sister hated when the car windows were open (it messed up her hair!) so once when my dad opened the window and she couldn't get him to shut it she claimed that having the window open and the air conditioner on would make the car blow up. And since she was my big sister, I of course believed it!

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When my father was driving my mother and me in our car he would frequently take off his glasses and hand them to my mother and ask her to clean them. This terrified me. I thought that when you wore glasses you were literally blind when you took them off.

John Adams
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