i used to believe

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I used to believe that there was had to be a hidden system that kept car accidents from happening all the time. I thought there was no way that people could control their cars so well. Since the hidden system worked everywhere, there must be wires buried in the road that kept the cars on track. Drivers were actually necessary for two reasons. In parking lots, they actually drove. Also, they pretend to drive while on the street, because people would panic if they realized the cars were not being controlled by a human.

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Once I asked my mom what the point of wheelchair parking was "you park your wheelchair and walk the rest of the way?"

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I used to believe that the arch shaped gray lines on the road were made from a massive truck swerving up and down it. I had it in my head that this was an integral part of the road making process. Last year I realized that they were just the shadows from the electric lines above.

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When I was younger I used to think that as soon as you got in the drivers seat in a car, you knew exactly where everything in the world was and how to drive there.

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I used to love Knight Rider when I was a kid. My Dad used to tell me and my brothers that he had Turbo Boost. When we were in the car he flicked a switch and put his foot down. I thought he had the fastest car in town.

It was a Maxi.

My Dad also told me about the 9 O'clock horses.

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I used to believe wen i wuz little that wen they called smaller vans a mini van, they meant "Minnie". So then i figured they must called bigger vans "Mickey" vans. (Like Minnie and Mickey mouse)

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When I was younger, I used to think the window defroster button looked like a basketball hoop. Therefore, I assumed that pressing it would lower a little basketball hoop that you could play with if you were bored. I told this to my dad, and he told me it was true, and that the basketball hoop comes out of the rear-view mirror.

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I was about 4 years old and i remeber thinking, how hard it must be to drive.Because you had to look through your front window, and through the back window of the car in front of you, and then through their front window, and again through the back window of the next car to drive on the road... so i was a *special* kid...leave me alone...

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When I was young (4 or 5) I used to think that gas stations that had Full Service would give you a "Happy ending" after filling up your tank. This explained to me why my uncle would only go to gas stations that had Full Service.

Still in Therapy
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When I was a kid, I believed that cars needed the stereo antennas in order to run. I thought that's where their energy came from. I would always put little antennas on my toy cars in order for them to be closer the being functional like "the real thing".

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I used to believe all taxis were cop cars. I would flip out everytime I saw one, "Mom, Dad look, There's another cop car! They always laughed about it and they still tease me today!

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I used to believe that if you opened a car door on the highway, the door would rip off and you and everyone else inside of it will be sucked out. I'm 15 and I still have a sneaking suspicion that its true, and never tried it.

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For a long time when I was a kid, I thought that the wheels on my parent's car didn't move at all, and that the car just hovered an inch above the ground (I thought this because I was always IN the car whenever it was being driven.) I also couldn't tell that OTHER car wheels were moving because they were going so fast, so I assumed that the wheels of those cars were just flat.

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When my sister and I were little, my mom told us that the rumble strips on the road were so that blind people could drive. My sister believed her until she was twelve.

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The buttons that raise and lower the windows in my car are not visible from the back seat. Somehow my niece and nephew, seeing the windows go down but not seeing a "cause" from their seats in the back decided that they were able to control the windows with their voices. Now anytime they ride with me they sing songs and say magic "abacradara" phrases to get the windows to go up and down...except in winter of course, because we all know that windows hibernate in the winter time.

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When I was about three or four years old, I used to think there were public toilets under the car seats for some reason. I had this notion that if I crawled underneath, there would be this huge tiled hallway and a door leading to the bathrooms - like you see in shopping malls.

sarah spoon mistress
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When I was 4 years old I asked my Daddy once, why, when he drove the car he would turn the wheel a little to the right and then a little to the left instead of steering straight ahead. He said the right half of the car wants to go right and the left half wants to go left, if I don't let each half have their turn the car will split in half. I watched my Dad like a hawk to make sure he was giving each side its turn cos I was scared the car would break apart.

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When I was young and we would go on trips, I would feel sorry for the people in the cars going the opposite direction as us because I thought they were coming back from vacation!

Amy K.
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When I was around three years old, I overheard my mother and grandmother talking about car insurance. I asked them what car insurance was. My mother tried to explain, saying something like, "it's a piece of paper that protects your car in case of an accident". I tried to picture this scenario. I imagined a small piece of paper from one of those sticky-pads I liked to draw on at home, stuck on one spot on the front of a car. I became completely confused, wondering how one piece of paper could protect your car in an accident.

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I used to think that 'Self Drive Hire' was a fantastic idea. A van that could drive itself. How good is that???

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