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I used to believe that without a license, people were somehow phyiscally incapable of driving.
My mum had a car called an Imp and I was convinced that the noise the indicators made was the car saying 'take look', which told other cars to look out because we were turning.
For years I believed that indicators were called 'take looks'. It probably didn't help that my parents humoured me by calling them that.
When I was about 4 years old, I remember looking out of the car window and truly believing that the moon was chasing my family down the road because everywhere we went...the moon went...
It seemed like evreytime I was in a parking lot, there would be 2 cars of the same make and model parked next to eachother. I thought it was a law that you HAVE to park to a car the same as yours!
Once, when I was maybe 5 or 6, I was riding in the car with my dad. We were stopped at a red light, and while he was putting something in his pocket the light turned green. We started rolling forwards, and I got really confused because I thought your hands had to be on the steering wheel in order to make the car move.
When I was young I thought that after pulling out off a petrol station the car would go faster
I used to think that if you held a pencil over a piece of paper while you were in a car, you could make a map. Like, when the car turned the pencil would turn!
I used to believe that the luggage racks on top of vans were used to attach wings to the vehicle. That way if traffic ever got bad, they could just fly over it.
When I was 4 or 5, my uncle told me that a squirrel lived in his car engine and ran in a squirrel cage to make the car move. He told me to look for it in the glove box. When I opened the glove box, my uncle would act surprised and say "It just ran out, did you see it?" but I never did.
I used to think that the E on a gas gauge meant "enough"...
I used to believe that when you got stopped for speeding, you got three warnings from the police before you got a ticket.
I used to believe the white and yellow lines on the roads were for passengers to grab onto and slow the car down if they thought the driver was going too fast.
Because of cartoons, I thought that to drive you'd just turn the steering wheel back and forth constantly.
My parents drove a stick shift and I noticed them moving it back to first gear at stops. When I was little I thought they were just wiggling the stick around for fun every so often.
I used to believe that cars drove because of hundreds of little people living inside them turning treadmills. I felt rather betrayed when I found out otherwise.
i used to sit in the back seat of the car and use the frost scrapper as a steering wheel, pretending to drive. on the way to the store, we'd pass under i-270, and i swore that the day i got my driver's license i would hop on 270 and ride it till the end, wherever it took me. i was devastated when i learned i-270 was the city outerbelt, and driving it to its end would mean driving around in circles.
My sister hated when the car windows were open (it messed up her hair!) so once when my dad opened the window and she couldn't get him to shut it she claimed that having the window open and the air conditioner on would make the car blow up. And since she was my big sister, I of course believed it!
When I was about 6 years old my family owned a Ford. At that time there was a commercial for Ford on television that said Ford leads the way, so whenever my father was driving I'd urge him to drive faster to get ahead of all of the traffic ahead of us because, since we had a Ford, we HAD to lead the way.
I used to believe that when it was sunny and my Mom put the sun visor down to shield her eyes that she could see through it. It looked like it was blocking her vision and she could see right through it.
I used to believe that car headlights were like eyes and cars were really monsters. I always resisted going outside to the carport at night for fear of the "carmonster"
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