i used to believe

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I used to believe that when you took your foot off the gas, the brake lights would go on. I'm still not completely convinced this isn't true...how would I know? I can't see the back of my own car while I drive :P

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I used to believe that all other cars on the road had no drivers. Me and my mum were the only people on the road!

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I used to believe that the car would automatically slow down when we were close to home because the car knew the way home & so knew when we were near the driveway.

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I used to believe that car pools were places you went to go swimming without leaving your car. I thought that you would just drive in the water and sit there. I was always dissapointed when my dad never drove 'to the car pool'.

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I would think that every car that either my mom or dad wasnt driving a ghost was driving

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My mom told me that the air conditioning came in through the grill of the car, so i alway pointed the air con thing away because I thought that a bug would fly into my face

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I used to believe that when my dad said to be a good driver you "had to keep your eyes on the road" that meant you had to literally look at the road all the time and nowhere else ... which I thought was dumb because you'd miss everything going on all around you ... like the traffic!

He gave me that advice when teaching me to ride a bike...make no wonder I kept running into stuff.

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I always wondered what "sheerwait" was. As it seemed to cause so many delays when the travel news came on I figured it must be pretty bad! It wasn't until I was about 19 that it suddenly clicked they were saying "sheer weight of traffic".

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I used to believe that a smog test was when you drove your car up a very tall, foggy mountain until you couldn't see anything but fog. Then you drove it off the side and crashed to the ground. Afterward, if your car still ran, then your car had passed the smog test.

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I used to believe that a "ghost-driver" was a car driving with a white sheet over it.

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I used to believe that when the cruise control was on, that it controlled the steering wheel and not the speed.

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I used to think the blinker on a car told you where to go. I never knew how it magically knew where you wanted to go.

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Between the ages of six and fourteen I believed that all you had to do to pick up a car and throw it in the air was know exactly what spot on the car to to grab - all because I saw a man do it on The Simpsons.

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I used to think that crash test dummies were people who'd been in car accidents, and anyone who had an accident would look like that forever afterwards. I'd seen too many car commercials where they show footage of the crash tests, I guess.

Still Overly Cautious Driver
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When I was little, my best friend's mom had a car where you could take out the keys while driving and it'd go on, and she told me it was magic. When she traded it in for a new one I was disappointed that it couldn't do the same thing, so she told me it could fly. I kept on waiting for her to make the car take off into the air like in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang.

Micah Glenn
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My sister and I used to believe something bad would happen if you breathed while driving over the bridge, so we held our breaths. Strange that we could breathe in the center at the county line.

Patty, NY
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when I was a kid growing up in Indiana my My dad always drove a pick up truck and my mom always drove a car. I was convinced for some reason that when kids get get old enough to drive, boys were only supposed to drive trucks and girls were only supposed to drive cars

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When I was young and my dad would stop for gas and say "Fill it up Ethyl" I thought all gas station attendants were named Ethyl.

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I remeber once in the car at night with my dad asking him how much money it cost to power all the cats eyes in the road, I though it was a dreadfull waste of power! Then I learnt how reflectors work.

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Whenever I heard "cross at the green, not in between," I thought it meant that you were supposed to cross the street when the light is green and all the cars are going, and not when the light is in between (yellow or red). Clearly this was wrong. I made up my own rhyme, "Cross at the red, or get run over instead." It took me years to realize that the rhyme just tells kids to cross at the traffic light.

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