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Pressing on the gas pedal means that your car can do anything...including going up a vertical wall.
I thought that if you were speeding and hit a speed bump, it would cause your car to fly into the air.
When I was younger my older brother convinced me that underneath the screw covers on the door handle of my mom's car there was a button that would turn the car into a airplane. I had nightmares about the car turning into a plane and impaling the cars next to it.
I used to beleive that you could never ever step on a crack, and if you did, bad things happened even if you didnt notice. so every time our car would ride over a crack, I thought the bumping feeling was the car jumping over the crack. I sometimes would help the car jump by acting lighter and jumping in my seat.
I used to believe that "Oldsmobile" was a universal name for any old, big, rusty car. When I was some impressionable young age and just old enough to figure out how compound words worked, my father owned an old, big, rusty Oldsmobile. I concluded that "Oldsmobile" must mean "old + mobile."
Imagine my surprise when a few years later, he bought a new Oldsmobile that was not a rustbucket.
When I was younger, I used to lightly scratch the Defrosting lines on the back of the car when I was bored. My dad told me not to scratch them because if I broke one, the car would blow up.
My little sister always thought that cars driving across bridges always smashed whatever was under the bridge, regardless of the bridge's stability. She always screamed and cried when we were about to drive under one (because she was afraid of getting smashed). She giggled wildly as we drove over one, because of all the people and cars, driving below the bridge, that we were smashing, enjoying their misfortune, i suppose. I am still confused as to how she came up with this theory, or who told her this. She did this until she was about 6 years of age.
when we went on long trips in the car and would bother my mom by saying , are we there yet, she would say , See the black stuff in the road? that is where Indians would scalp little kids who were not being good. Now shut up.
The thick black lines was just tar from paving the cracks in the road. It sure shut us up though.
I used to believe that "convertible" cars were called comfortables. Obviously comfortables provided more comfort, luxury and were more expensive because everybody wanted one. It made sense actually, this car offered the most comfort then any other vehicle. How? For one it didn't have a roof which obviously makes it very comfortable. But i think a lot of kids wanted a "comfortable". Losers.
We were driving in a car at night, and I wanted to read. I turned on the little reading light at the back, but my mum told me to turn it off, because "it's dangerous". I turned it off immediately, shocked. For some reason I imagined that if I kept it on, a giant hammer would come out of the car roof, and smash flat all the other cars on the road as we drove past them. Took me years to work out this wasn't the case, and that my mum just got distracted easily when she was driving.
When travelling from the farm to the city or whatever in my younger days, I'd see the sign that read 'do not drive on shoulder' and I thought when the man was driving, the lady next to him could not put her head on his shoulder. Nobody told me, I figured it out many many years later.
Growng up I lived in a house at the end of a cul-de-sac and the streetlight was pretty near my window. Well, every night the light from the streetlight would change from a yellow-orange to white and move across my room. I didn't know why this happened, but for some reason it didn't scare me. I think I was 12 when I figured out it was just my neighbor coming home late from work and his headlights shining in my window as he followed the curve of the cul-de-sac to get to his house.
I used to believe that ghost drivers, were cars droven by actual ghosts or by itself, just as in the cartoons. I never really thought of the name until recently when it was in the news.
i used to believe that, every time my mom and i went on a short road trip leaving my hometown, we were actually leaving the state, so when we would come back in to town i would exclaim,"i sure am glad we're back in North Carolina!" when in all actuality we never traveled outside of the state by a long shot.
I used to believe that the defroster lines in the back of your car would electrocute you if you touched them. My older sister told me this and I would never go near them.
I used to believe that the automatic toll booths on the highway, where you press a button and a ticket comes out, had ants working inside the booth to carry each ticket on their backs to the slot and push it out.
I used to believe that turning the steering wheel back and forth was what made the car move. So when I was 4 and I rode, with my dad, the cars that went around a track at Disney World, I turned the steering wheel back and forth rapidly and ignored the pedals. My dad had to control the pedals and eventually take the wheel for the car to go anywhere.
When I was younger (5, 6, 7, 8) I used to believe that the indicators in the car knew where we were going and were pointing us in the right direction. I remember thinking "How do they know where we re going!!?? I only figured it out when I was like 13, 14. Haha
When I was younger, I used to believe that all the cars traveling on the right side of the highway (where our car was traveling) just so happened to have only red headlights, and all the cars driving on the left side of the highway (oncoming traffic) just so happened to have only white headlights.
I used to believe that the headlights on the cars were like eyes so when we would be in the car at night I would duck or lay down in the seat so the other cars wouldn't see me!
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