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When I was a kid, I met a man who had lost 4 of his fingers on the one hand. I was told that he lost them on a fan belt in the car, so from then on I was terrified that I would lose my fingers if I touched the air conditioning cover in the car, where you adjust the intensity of the air coming through... little did I know that the fan belt was under the bonnet, and had nothing to do with the air con cover.
When I was younger, if I was being bad, my mom used to tell me that there was an eject button in the car just for bad children. I used to look for it and press random places in the car, however I was still always afraid of being ejected.
when i was a kid the electrecity used to go and it would get dark. so i thought that every thing was being run on electrecity and their was no light so when i saw cars i used to think that why dont the cars light go out so my father told me that they have batteries so until i was 7 i used to keep a 1.5 volt battery with me every day people told me but i never believed until i was in grade 4 science told me everything
i used to believe cars could fly, but only the rich had them in big cities. Thus, i never saw them.
Up until the age of about 8, I used to think that people actualybrought their cars with strange triangular boxes on top of them, and I just used to think,"why would people pay for that?! why don't they just have a normal car?" but then slowly, I began to learn that they were learner cars and weren't sold to the public at all, how silly!
Am I the only person who turns off windscreen wipers when driving under bridges, irrespective of how narrow or high the bridge is. It makes me laugh every time. I guess my belief is that its saving something in the long run.
my uncle was a doctor, so when he told me his vw could fly, i believed.
I used to think that it was against the law to drive a car without shoes on. It isn't
When I was young I used to believe that horsepower meant that there were horses in the tires and the number was the amount of horses, so i would never walk behind the car because i was scared it would kick me! lol
Once, before I stopped believing everything my father told me, my brothers and I were riding in the backseat of our new car. I had never seen shoulder-strap adjusters before (elastic-held clips for pulling seatbelts away from smaller people's necks) and had begun to fiddle with them when my father cried out, "Son! Don't touch that!" With conviction in his voice inspired by his insatiable desire to make a fool out of his eldest, he continued, "That is the ejection seat cord! If you pull on that, the rear windshield will blow out and rockets will fire the seat out of the car. It is only to be used in case of an accident. Do you understand?" I felt as if I'd almost put my hand into a shark's mouth. Pale-faced, I asked, "Is there a parachute?"
"Of course there is," he sternly replied. "You need to be able to float down away from the accident. Now don't mess with them anymore, they're very sensitive."
As any kid would do, I then bragged to my friends and my friends' parents about our 'ejection seat' that my dad had told me about. Somehow those good parents kept straight faces and my friends were either clueless enough to believe me or thoughtful enough to let that one slip by. Some eleven years later and it might as well have happened yesterday. Sheesh.
I used to believe that in order to get on an overhead bridge cars drove onto a platform that lifted them up to the bridge, they drove across, then another platform lowered them back down to the road.
I use to believe that you had to be a really good driver to have a fancy car. I would see one smashed up and think that's too bad their going to have their car taken away, and have to drive less than fancy car and work their way back up to it. That explained why there were so many old run down cars and not so many nice cars on the road, it had nothing to do with the cost of the car.
When I was younger, we used to drive on the Interstate to get home from my grandparent's house, but hardly any other time. I used to make my brother duck down behind the seat with me, because I really thought that headlights of other cars were ghosts that would come to get us if they saw our heads above the seat back.
My dad told me when I was about four that if I opened the wondow on the motorway, my head would fall off. I believed him till I was about 8, but I still don't open the window on the motorway!!
I used to think that the actual lanes on the motorway (freeway) made the cars go faster - like the inside lanes had some mechanism to tell the car to go faster than the outside lanes.
I saw a car that was parked near our street that wasn't used for a few weeks and had the license plate ripped off. My dad said that if the owner of the car doesn't return, someone with a tow truck is going to tow it away. I thought they would tow the car away with a truck shaped like a foot!
I remember being a very little girl...5 or 6...sitting in the backseat with my brother and sister...My great grandmother, perhaps sensing that we might be afraid of the dark told us that whenever we went through tunnels, we should close our eyes and make a wish. If we finished before exiting the tunnel, our wish would come true. That was over 30 years ago, but I still make a wish when I drive through them.
I used to believe that if you stuck your hands or head or anything out of the window of a car, a giant steam roller with sharp edges and knives and pointy things would come and chop your arm off. Only dogs could sense when one would come, so they wouldn't get their noses chopped off. I always screamed at my dad for keeping his arm out of the window.
i use to belive that cars are not heavy to carry , because when i was 4, my dad bought a brand new car, i thought they carried it home because the wheels might get dirty.
I used to think that motorcycles were propelled by farts.
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