i used to believe

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One day when I was a little kid in the car with my dad, I noticed the the flashing arrows (the turn signal) on the dashboard, and that we would turn after the arrow started to flash. I thought the arrows were telling us where to go, and I was so surprised that our car could do that.

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On one of the meters on my dad's car, one of the sides had the word "brake". I asked my dad what would happen if the arrow went to it, so he jokingly told me the car would break. So, I spent most of my car rides as a child worriedly watching to make sure the arrow never went to "brake".

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I used to be a little upset and a little confused that we always drove on the right side of the road. I wanted to see what it was like to drive on the left for once, and I could never understand why we didn't. If we were always on the right side, then we'd have to go all the way around the world to get back home, since we were going in the same direction, right?

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When I was a child I used to believe that a camper was some kind of resort.

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My friend (whose last name is "Long")used to believe that all trucks on the roads belonged to her Dad. Whenever they saw one with the sign "Long vehicle" on the back, her Dad would say "Look, another one of my lorries"

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When I was little, I would always yell at my dad for drinking pop or water when he was driving. I always thought that when people said that it was bad to "drink and drive", I thought it meant that ALL drinking and driving was bad. I didnt realize that it meant just alcoholic drinks.

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I always thought that gas was black and slimy like heavily used oil (maybe because of cartoons). I was so convinced of this that the first time I pumped a car full of gas as a teenager and saw what came out, I thought they were trying to rip me off by watering it down!

Ann Y.
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I don't really remember this, but my mother tells me a story that when I was about four years old she was driving me home from pre-K and suddenly I yelled, "stop the car!" When she asked why I said, "There's bird poop behind us and I think it's following us!"
I didn't realize the bird poop was stuck to the window, not just floating in the air.

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I thought a Gas Chamber was just a place you went to put gas in your car!

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I used to think that the wind-chill factor was the wind-shield factor, and that when you touched the windshield of your car, that's what temperature it felt.

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My daughter believes that a car behind us is going to wherever we are going. If we get on the highway and that car passes us she gets very upset that they are going to get there first. Competitive much?!

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Whenever we were going somewhere in our car, my mum always told me that the car would not start unless I was wearing my seat-belt. Of course, she meant that she would not start the car, but until I was about ten years old, I thought that seat-belts were somehow connected to a car's engine.

Alisha - British Columbia, Canada
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I was abouot 6 when I asked my mother if the car ran out of gas right when we got to the gas station. She must not have heard me because she said Yes. I believed this until I was about 10 when I mentioned it to my friends. They laughed so hard and teased me about it for years!

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i learned how to drive when i was 15. i'd never driven before or really watched anyone drive. so when i was driving on a dirt road at 30 mph and suddenly parked the car as we were entering on to the pavement(which screwed up the transmition) my dad yelled, "WHY THE HELL DID U JUST SWITCH FROM DRIVE TO PARK?" and i said, "drive and park? I Thought it was Dirt to Pavement!"

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When I was 5, I thought that if someone driving a car was pulled over by police officers three times, they were arrested and taken to jail. I had also saw a commerical on T.V. for premium gas, where there was this car and it was going really fast into the horizon.

Well, one time at the gas station my dad was buying premium gas for the car, and I started to cry because I thought that the premium gas would make him go too fast and get pulled over, and I didn't want him to go to jail for getting his third ticket.

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when i was a wee lad i didn't know there were gas tanks on cars so i thought the gas filled up all the compartments inside the car like the manifolds and dashboard and ceiling.

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When I was little I thought rubber and gasoline would explode, so I'd always put erasers in the glove box when we got gas.

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I used to believe that handicapped parking places were for only wheelchairs and not cars. So I was sad for the old people because since wheel chairs had no doors or locks, someone would steal them. And I also wondered how would they walk all the way to the store if they left their wheelchair... I beleived this until I was 10... Weird kid I am right?

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I thought that when you went over a speedbumb it was a dead person who had been hit by a car!

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When I was about 3 I believed wholeheartedly, without a doubt, that I could drive. And not just any car, a Volkswagon.

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