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I used to believe that ALL cars that had a 2-tone canvas-looking roof must be convertibles. So I used to ride around with my parents thinking that all those old people driving those big 'ol Cadillacs (the kind with the 2-tone fabric styled roof) were so COOL, because they had convertibles. I couldn't wait to be OLD.
When there was a regular highway with two lanes (one going one way, the other going the other way), I thought that you could drive on either lane, instead of always driving on the right-hand side. I was amazed that there were so few accidents.
When I was young I remember going for long drives with my friends (my family didn't have a car). Whenever the driver stopped to pay a toll, I assumed that meant we were on a special road and because we paid, we'd get some sort of special treat. What a let down - no special treat ever appeared, no matter the size of the toll!
I used to believe that the brown UPS trucks kidnapped kids.
for some werid reason when i was a kid i used to duck any time i went under a bridge in the car i always got the feeling that i was going to bump my head
Our teacher in 4th or 5th grade, actually had us believing that by the time we graduated from High School, we would all be travelling in cars that floated on air, like in that cartoon, "The Jetsons" or something...LOL..What a hoot! That would have been in the 80's by the way...
Until I was about 12 or 13, I used to think that traffic jams were caused by a really slow driver at the end of the road/motorway.
This isn't actually my belief, but I got someone else to believe that the little bumps that are on the buttons on the steering wheel are brail for blind people to use.
When I was too short to see out the drivers side of the window to see cars on the opposite side of the road (I could only just see their roofs through the front widescreen), I believed that there was only one lane on every road when we were driving and that cars could magically squeeze past each other by becoming thin for a moment.
I thought the reason only adults could drive was that their legs had to be long enough to reach down through the floor of the car to the ground, like in the Flintstones.
I used to believe that the car would tip over going around corners. I was sure that all the passengers had to make sure they were evenly distributed in the car so that it would stay on the road!
When i was little i alway was reading, and one day i came across the word S.U.V. and i knew it was a car and i thought it sounded cool so that was my favorite car was. The problem is i pronouced it SOOV and whenever anyone asked me what kind of car i wanted that what i said and sadly i this went on until 5th grade.
I use to be afraid of the Chrystler (I think...) logo because the pentegon was sectioned at each corner making it look like a bunch of pointed teeth that would bite your hand off.
When I was little I believed that cars could drive up over the huge humps that some bridges have on top of them and then come down to road level again, and when I didn't see any cars do it I just thought I was there at the wrong time or that they were just being modest and trying not to show off or that they chose not to drive over the humps at the time I was going across that bridge.
When I was little, I thought the turn signal on the car was used in order to turn. When my mother didn't use it one time, I couldn't understand how she was able to turn into the parking lot.
I used to think you could be arrested just for driving 5 mph over the speed limit. My dad did this all the time, and I was terrified and begged him not to.
When I was little and me and my family would be in the car and we would go under an overpass or bridge I would duck my head because my friends told me that if you didnt your head would get cut off!
i used to believe that electric cars had to be plugged in to outlet to work. I was wondering why i never saw any cars with really long cords trailing behind them!
I used to believe that when we drove in the car the car would not move and everything else would. I got sick from spinning so if everything else moved the earth would spin so I was afrid that I would get sick everyday because people where driving on the road. When I did get sick I would always shout "It's all those stupid cars fault!!!"
That if you didn't have your seat belt buckled up when the car was in motion, it would crash.
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