i used to believe

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When I was little, my family would frequently visit friends and relatives who lived on bumpy or gravel roads. I was still too small to be able to look out the window and see the road. Shortly before we'd approach pavement, my dad would reach down beside his seat and say, "Gee, I'm tired of these bumps. I'm going to push the road smoother button." Like magic, there'd suddenly be a smoother ride. I believed this for YEARS until one day we were stuck on a bumpy road for a long time and I begged my dad to push the button. He told me that he didn't feel like it, that he was enjoying the bumps. When we got home I told him I didn't believe him anymore. He said he'd prove it, and showed me the seat-adjusting handle, explaining that it was the button. I continued to believe him for at least another year.

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When we are young we don't understand how many things work. I thought cars were operated by magnetic strips under the road like on a toy car track. I was very confused on how the car knew where to go.

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I used to believe that the 'Hazard' button in cars would get you out of trouble. I imagined that if your car was stuck, for instance, it would sprout massive legs with suction cups on the end so it could walk away.

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While riding in the car, my dad convinced me that the button for the hazard lights, which is a triangle pointed up, was actually the passenger seat ejection button. He would then hold his finger over the button when I was annoying him. This went on for years.

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when I was a kid in daycare, my mom sent her boyfriend to pick me up early one day. when we walked out to the parking lot he looked all over for his car and said that somebody must have STOLEN it, so we should STEAL someone else's car to get home.

I didn't realize that he used keys to open up the drivers door of the fancy red car he decided we should "steal". being only 3 or 4 years old, and not getting the joke, I became hysterical and threw a fit. I kept yelling at him saying that stealing was wrong, and I refused to get in the car. He kept trying to calm me down and tell me that his car was in the shop and they loaned him this one for the next few days, but I just wouldn't hear it. I truely believed he was trying to steal a car that wasn't his.

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I suppose I must have had the properties of limos and taxis confused as a child, because I used to think taxis were only for very rich people. We had to ride one away from the airport one day and the whole ride (as I held the seatbelt closed because it was broken, I may add) I kept saying under my breath, "I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm rich."

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When I was little, around 4 or 5 maybe, and my dad would change gears in the car while we were driving somewhere or would pass someone, I would constantly ask "are you going the speed lemon?" I actually meant "speed limit". I remember my dad laughing when I would ask it and he didn't bother correcting me for a long time.

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My parents used to tell me that if I didn't wear my seatbelt then we would automatically get in a crash. It was a really good way to get me to wear my seatbelt but whenever someone didn't have theirs on I would freak out.

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I believed as a child that the highway was a big race. I always liked when my dad passed people, thinking we would be that much closer to being first!

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I used to believe that the gas tank worked like a timer and that if you were almost on empty, you just had to drive faster to get there before the gas ran out. I used to tell my parents this "easy" solution everytime they said we needed gas.

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I used to believe that self drive cars actually drove themselves!

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When I was about 5 my parents told me not to stick me arm out the window when travelling in the car as it might be cut off by oncoming traffic. So then I figured that if you stuck your arm out of the window a chainsaw popped out of the oncoming cars bonnet which then cut off your arm. I believed this for a few years.

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My older brother told me that if you hit the "panic " button for your car, police would come to save you from whatever it was you were panicking about.

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When I was little, I thought that cars were psychic. It blew my mind that every time we came up on a turn, the car would blink this little arrow telling the direction we should turn, and we always turned that way! I was very disappointed when I found out that my father was responsible for the blinker coming on, not the car itself. :D

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I thought that a person's motorskills meant how good they were at driving!

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When I was young there were no seat belt laws so no one in my family wore them. The seat belts were always tucked into the crease of the seat. I always wanted to use them but I thought that if I were to pull them out I would damage the car and get into trouble.

Denee P.
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When I was about 6, I thought that all black cars were owned and driven by "bad men" and used to duck behind walls when I saw black cars drive by.

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When I was little, I heard some one say that you should "never drink and drive." A few days later, I saw my mom drinking a diet soda while driving, and I threw a fit. She told me that you're allowed to drink non-alcoholic drinks while driving. I had no clue what that meant. The next day I went into school and announced that my mom drinks and drives. My mom ended up with a nice little call from my teacher.

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I used to believe the car always knew where you were going, and always gave you directions on where to turn, by the dash lights. Now...... they actually do....

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In Spanish the word "cow"is used for two things, the animal and a car roof rack (!). So When my parents talked about buying one for our car, I told themcrying, I don't want a cow," I prefer a lamb for the car"

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