i used to believe

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I used to believe that the button in a car for the four ways was the "air bag" button, and you pressed it right before you had an accident. My boyfriend told me that when I was sixteen, and I believed it until I pressed it for myself to se eif he was telling the truth.

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A girl I used to be friends with believed there was a man living in the roof of their car who would talk when they turned the radio on.

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When I was younger we used to have this old car that used to talk and whenever you opened the door it would say " The door is a Jar" I always wondered who was saying that and why he was saying the door is a jar till my older sisters friend told me that it was a little man inside the radio and if we left the door open to long it would turn into a jar. I acctuall believed it till.....acctually last year and i am 13. lol

Christine Valente-Gibsons
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I used to believe that if I stuck my hand out the window of the car, it would get cut off!

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When I was little i used to belive that the car could break any minute.When Mom pushed the brake/gas pedals,I freaked.I began to take in the idea that the car could come apart any moment and we would be out on the road and getr run over.I'd have to thank my older brother for that belief....

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when i was little i thought there was a little midget person in the box at tre car wash. I was so stupid for letting my parents trick me like that.

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From when I was about 5 to when I was about 11 I believed that automatic steering was a device turned on by a button that would automatically drive us to our destination without my mum having to touch the steering wheel. That would be cool.

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I used to believe that a car needed some ongoing fire to make it go...maybe from hearing about spark plugs? If the fire got out of hand it could cause the car to catch fire, like a lady who drove up to our house with a fire under her hood one day. I was worried about car fires for quite some time.

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My ex-boyfriend used to believe that his dad had a "Turbo Boost" button in his car. They'd be going down the road and his dad would hit the "Turbo Boost" and they'd go really fast. When he grew up he realized it was just the emergency flashers.

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I used 2 believe that you could legally exceed the speed limit by upto 10 miles per hour while over taking another vehicle on a county road. I thought that becoz my father, while driving in the country usually sticks to the speed limit except when overtaking another vehicle and besides when you travel a little faster while overtaking, you will have to spend much less time in the oncoming lane.

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I used to believe that whoever woke up first got to decide which side of the road to drive on each day.

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My parents had automatic locks on our car when I was a kid. I would ask for the window to be opened and magically it would roll down. Instead, it was my mom and dad rolling down the window with the button.

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My dad used to have one of those shop lights that is a single bulb inside a little orange cage, on the end of a long orange cord. He called it a "trouble light" and I thought that he would plug it into the car somewhere, and if it lit up, that meant there was trouble.

Cheap Sunglasses
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When i was little i used to beileve that there was something under the car and that every time i wen to get out it was going to grab me and pull me under

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when i was 3 my dad didn't like the skylight on the car open. 1 day i asked him why and he said that dinosaurs might reach in and bite his head off, even though dinosaurs were "estink". i am soooooo smart

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My father once told me that the "Neutral" position on the gearstick of his automatic transmission car would cause the engine to immediately overheat and blow up. It didn't occur to me until I was twelve that this could occur only while going at high speed

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I used to believe that when you sat in a car the world would move around you but the car itself would always stay in the same place!

Amanda Thomas
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When I was little I used to believe that little men would run up the light reflectors posted on the side of the highways so we can have a "lighted outline" of the edge of the road all the way home.

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I thought if you got on a road it took your car wherever you intended to go almost like a train track.

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I used to believe that when I was in the car on the highway that we were all in a "huge" indy race.

I used to believe that when you looked up in the sky and saw airplanes and there tail smoke across the sky that those airplanes were called "Guardian Angles" protecting us from evil intruders, not regular passenger jets flying to get people from one state to another.

Leigh Ann
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