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I used to think UPS trucks delivered chocloate milk
When I was a small child, I believed the police would hide in the tops of trees in the medians of busy interstates and roads, and if you were speeding they would take you out with their sniper rifles.
I told my four-year-old son to stay away from the street or a car might come and run over him. He asked, "How will the car know I'm in the street?"
When I was young, I thought that you would get into your car , then just move the steering wheel and the road would move underneath you.
My dad used to drive a rolls royce lorry and when he left the job he took the Rolls Royce badge off the lorry. years later my family had an FSO, which is a form of Lader, in other words pretty much the worst car on the market. my dad wittily put the rolls royce badge on the front. when i was 6 my class teacher asked us what type of car we had, when it got to me i replied "A Rolls Royce". naturally the teacher doubted this some what and said she'd ask my mum. she must have been quite amused when she found out i had an lader! lol.
Bizzarely someone tried to steal the rolls royce badge off the front of our car.
When I was about 5 or 6, my dad had this really old car called 'The Nova'. I loved that car so much, I hugged it before going to school. Then, when I was 7, my family said that the Nova was put into storage. I thought everything was dandy and fine since the Nova was in a storage place. I was 11 when I finally found out it went to the dump. I still love that old car...
I remember the day when my friend Jason told our 4th grade teacher that his mom had just "bought a new vulva." (he meant to say volvo....)
when i was younger my parents took my sister and i on A LOT of road trips, and as any kid bored in the back seat, i spent much of my time looking out the window, specifically at power lines.
as we drove down the road, the power lines, to me, were "opening and closing" but really our car was just moving quickly and the length, size, and location of the powerlines was changing as we drove.
however, i used to think that the powerlines opened and closed because they wanted privacy, and because there were always three of them, i thought they were caught in a love triangle?? also, i thought that powerlines were always extremely annoyed that people were always driving in the cars and looking at them. i still sort of think of this every once in a while too.
When I was a child, I used to believe that, being an adult, I would never find driver school. Thus, every time I was discovering one in the street, I was concentrating to remember it.
when I was little I used to call tow trucks "hookers", because they hooked onto cars, right?
When I was little I thought when you drove over a certain part of the road a certain song would play. Like there was a track or something your car drove on. I used to ask my dad to go back to where we were so I could hear that song again!
I have always loved cars and driving since I was a little girl. I remember thinking to myself that all the cars on the streets were actually in a line. There was someone in the beginning of the line as there was in the middle and end going where everyone had to go. I always wondered where the first person was and where they will stop so the next person can be first in the line.
I used to think that there wes another set of brakes in the passenger seat of a car, just incase the person sitting on that side sow something that we were about to hit that the driver didn't. That was why little kids couldn't sit in the front.
Boy, did I get a big surprise when I turned twelve.
as a kid i would collect the telephone poles with my fingers as my parents drove. i would also grab trees. i always left the signs up tho. i would just pinch at the air and thought i had gotten them.
My daughter used to believe that when we got in the car.. it stood still but the surroundings moved towards the car.
When i was little i thought god made EVERYTHING and when getting into my mums car on the first day of school i would pat the hood of the car and say "wow gods hands were on my car" lol i found out later that day that i was infact wrong!
That a Pontiac Grand Am was really "Grand Damn"
I used to belief that when you were in the car the world would move not you.
I used to believe that cars were like rollercoasters. There was a track that the cars were on and it pulled the cars along. The steering wheel was there to change "tracks." And the speed limits signs were really just telling you how fast you were going on that particular road.
The written abbreviation "4WD," which is often found written on the outsides of big jeeps and pickup trucks, in truth means "four wheel drive." I used to believe that it meant "forward," a sort of advertising slogan indicating that anyone who used the car would be able to go forward.
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