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I used to believe that cars were super intelligent and always knew which way my parents were going to turn and set the blinkers on the correct side for them.
When I was a kid I thought that hills in the road were made by construction workers stacking up building blocks and then paving over them.
I thought cars were like trains, essentially stuck to the road, always going the right way and somehow being controlled or something. I had no explaination for car crashes, however.
I used to believe that turning signals were magical, or were controlled by your thoughts. I never noticed my mom using a little lever to activate them. I didn't figure this out until probably middle school when I finally just asked how they worked.
i used to think cars were propelled along the road by the exhaust from the exhaust pipe. This was back in the 80s when you could actually see the exhaust coming out.
Ever wish that a car could be like hurbie or bubblebee ...
well I have a story to tell... my grandad bought a 1971 oldsmobile custlass s model . She is so pretty ! We named her sweet 71 . (Please dont remove my post i will get to the belive ) anyway i nicknamed her sweetc . She sits in the garge a lot of times i go to see my granddad but there are a few cases where she acts alive .. one is when my grandad starts her up on a cool day the car chaters like its shivering . But when it warms up it stops . The next one is I like to talk to her while I sit and pretend to drive her . I had the radio in her on and the radio faded and i was like weard ? And i said what happened sweetc ? Soon the song dimond ring and old bar stools by tim mcgraw came on and many time i said i love you to her . And she said by unfadeing the radio at the right moment to say (i love you and see i told you so..) and it faded . I hope you think this is cute and she has other storys to but thats some of the best ones . Thanks for reading (maby sweet71 is alive after all?)
When I was very little I used to believe that the big yellow-colored machinery vehicles (bulldozers, back-hoes, etc) were so big that they took up both lanes in the road (all 4 if we were on a big highway) and all the cars that wanted to go through would have to drive under them. I was terrified of this because I thought that they were so low to the ground that if your car was too tall it would get crushed. This also explained why the traffic got slower near construction sites: because the other people were terrified of getting crushed by driving under the machines, so they would be forced to just follow behind these machines which I thought could only go up to about 5 miles per hour.
You can imagine my relief when there was one on the road ahead of us and we just drove past it in the other lane.
Once my mother and I took my then two year old niece to the store. When we were walking back to our van, she started pointing and exclaiming, "I want that one!" We had no idea what she was talking about until we figured out that she was pointing at a van that was kind of like ours, only a pretty teal color instead of our old tan van. She thought we could take the car we wanted after we left the store.
I stuck a bunch of coins in one of our cars tape players one time because I thought they were tapes.
my best friend till the age of 11 didn't get into any car!near her school there was this sign:"drivers be aware of children"..young she was,she thought that some*bad*people steal children actually from the cars...and the drivers have to be carefull of these robbers that steal their kids!!!!
till now,i think she believes it somehow...
When I was little..I use to think that your car stucked up the lines on the highway and then shoot them out when you passed by them.
I use to think i put my hand out the car window and grabed air..That i culd talk to other people use air to talk.The person i talk to most was a friend had but she moved and i moved. So i pretend that were having a conver station.
I still put my hand out the window.Plus i thought you could only have this conversation if yo thought in your head.So it kept me quite.Bet my mom told me to do it. ]:3.Anyways i thought that when you hand when cold you had new message.It was like msn.Kind off
When I was little, I used to sit in the back of the car and "sing" with the car, which was the gears revolving in the car.
when I we little I use to belive that to drive a car you would grab the steering wheel and turn your hand left and right left and right repetedly....
I asked my dad where the tires come from on cars and he told me that when an airplane would fly over head they would drop their tires for the cars. I then asked what did the airplane do....he was not thinking ahead like I was
i useed to believe that fuel was free for vehicles
When I was little my family bought a new car and because I was stupid, I assumed it was faster. It probably was, but I also assumed it had three wheels. I really thought I was smarter than that, but I guess I never thought about it.
When I was about 4, I was driving in the car with my grandparents. Thinking I was being smart, I said in a loud voice "The car isn't hungry anymore. It has us in it" They still tease me about it to this day.
When my dad used to drive me to school when I was about seven, I somehow came up with the idea that if I didn't tap my thumb against the window in between telephone poles, the engine would explode. I still catch myself amusing myself in this absolutely *riveting* of thumb-tapping often.
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