Car signals tell you where to drive
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Car signals tell you where to drive. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to cars.I read the one about car signals and laughed b/c all the people there said they figured it out at five or six. Well, I never got to sit is the front until I was around 12, so I didn't pay much attention to the signals. So I was sitting in the front but I was still confused for a few months. I honest to god thought the car was psychic.
When I was about 6 I used to get confused whenever cars indicated. I always used to wonder how the car knew where we were going!
When I was in preschool I thought that the car knew where you were going. I never knew that you had to turn on the blinker!!!
top belief!
When I was about 5, I actually realized there were turn signals in cars. Some how, whenever my mom was going to turn, those lights would start to flash. I was 100% positive the car was reading her mind. I would even try to confuse the car by thinking of going in the oppisite direction.
When my mother turned on a turn signal, a little green arrow would flash on her display. I thought my car was smart and was telling my mother what direction to turn in.
When I was a kid we use to travel to my grandmothers house and we had to get on the interstate. well when we got off the interstate my mother would forget to turn off the turn signal in her car and it would beep to remind her. But she told me that the car knew that we were almost there and thats why it beeped. Its sad because I believed her until I was like 13 years old.
I used to think that the green blinkers in the car points to the direction you have to go to get to your destination, LOL
When I was little, I knew that blinkers told the other cars that you were going to turn, but I didn't know exactly how. Of course, I couldn't see the turn lights from inside the car,so I eventually came to the conclusion that other cars heard the little clicking noise that they make when you turned your blinkers on, and that's how they knew.
I used to believe that blinkers helped the driver turn easier.
I used to think that when people turned the turen signal on (on your car) that that would make the car turn
When I was 4, i used to think that little blinker thing in cars that told the other people you were turning whould take you were ever you say. Like sat you say "home" it would take u there. I used to say Mcdonalds right befor I got in the car. But It never tok me. :(
i never knew when i was a kid that it was my parents who turned the blinker on in the car--i thought the car magically knew where you were going and the blinker was telling your parents how to get there. one day i asked my dad how the car knew where he was going and he told me he was just turning it on.
when i was like 8 i thought that the direction arrows in cars knew what way you were turning, and i would get so confused.
I used to believe that when you were in a car, the indicators were actually controlled by the car. So that would mean, if you said where you wanted to go, the car would take you there! HOW WEIRD AM I?
I used to believe the car somehow 'knew' which way you would turn at a stop. I didn't know there was a signal indicator beside the wheel, and my mother didn't bother to tell me otherwise!
I used to believe that the turning signals in the car were automatic and that the car knew where we were going. It wasnt untill I got to sit in the passanger seat that i realized the driver did the signals.
I used to think that our car was special, because it new in advance which direction we would turn.
I would sit and watch the blinking lights in the dash.
If the left one came on, sure enough, we turned left.
Same for the right one.
I had no idea that it was just my Dad turning the indicators on.
when i was little i used to think that the turn signal had a mind of its own and would automatically turn on (tick...tick...tick) and direct my mother to drive in certain directions. interesting.
i used to believe cars has psychic powers. i remember those blinking green arrows always dictating which way the car would turn. i couldn't figure it out. now that i think about it, i was a complete numbskull. hahaha. :D
When I was little I used to believe that cars knew exactly where you wanted to go, ant the blinkers were to give you directions. I think this stemed from my grandma letting me sit on her lap and steer for a while. I guess I didn't see her turn on the blinker!!!!
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