Car signals tell you where to drive
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Car signals tell you where to drive. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to cars.I used to believe that blinkers helped the driver turn easier.
I use to think that my parents car just "knew" which way we were going to turn. I never say my Mom or Dad use the tutn signal.
I used to believe that the car blinker told the car which way it was going to go, I never realized the driver had anything to do with it. I used to sit there, mocking it in my mind, I was ready for the day that blinker would be wrong.. it never came, sadly.
I used to think that the green blinkers in the car points to the direction you have to go to get to your destination, LOL
I used to think that cars could read your mind when you wanted to turn. When I was finally allowed to sit in the front seat I was very dissapointed that there was a lever that my parents used to make the blinkers turn on.
I used to believe that the car automatically knew when we were turning a corner and which way to make the blinker go.
my older sister convinced me that she could magically predict the way a car was turning because she had special powers. my heart was broken years later when i learned about turn signals.
I used to believe the car somehow 'knew' which way you would turn at a stop. I didn't know there was a signal indicator beside the wheel, and my mother didn't bother to tell me otherwise!
When I was a child I used to believe that my father's car always knew wich place we wanted to go, because I saw my father driving straigh away and then suddenly the indicator started to sound and I asked my father why always does the car knows wich place we want to go? and he said, because I told him before
i used to believe cars has psychic powers. i remember those blinking green arrows always dictating which way the car would turn. i couldn't figure it out. now that i think about it, i was a complete numbskull. hahaha. :D
i never knew when i was a kid that it was my parents who turned the blinker on in the car--i thought the car magically knew where you were going and the blinker was telling your parents how to get there. one day i asked my dad how the car knew where he was going and he told me he was just turning it on.
I use to think that went the turning signal came on, that the car somehow knew which was we were going (not that my mom was pushing a button)
As a kid I did not realize that a car's turn signals were operated by the driver. I just thought they came on by themselves and the driver HAD to turn the direction that the arrow was blinking. How the car knew where were we going, I have no idea.
I used to think that the turn signals were for making the car go around corners. I couldn't figure out how the car knew when to start making the turn since the grownups always put the signal on before the turn.
I used to believe that the turning signals in the car were automatic and that the car knew where we were going. It wasnt untill I got to sit in the passanger seat that i realized the driver did the signals.
I used to believe that every time a car was allowed to turn, the blinkers had to be turned on. So when my dad needed to turn and he didn't turn his blinker on, I screamed that we were all gonna die!
I used to believe that the DO NOT PASS signs on two lane roads meant you were not suppose to pass that sign. I could never figure out why my dad passed them anyway. I thought he was breaking the law.
i used to believe that the car knew which way you were about to turn when your turning signal was in use
I thought when the blinker turned on in the car to turn right or left it had to read the driver's mind.
I remember when I was little, and my mom would drive me to my Aunt's house every day before she went to work, that the car gave her directions on how to get there. I had no idea my mom was turning the blinker on.
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