road signs
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I used to think "No outlet" signs meant there was no electricity on that road and that the people were trapped there forever.
When I was young, I did not understand that cars are always on the right side of the road. As a result, I believed that half of all road signs were backward. I could not figure out why it was that you had to turn your head around to read half of all road signs.
When I was young growing up in the country where we with dirt roads, I thought the main highway sign "Don't Drive on Shoulder" meant the girl sitting next to the guy couldn't put her head on his shoulder while he was driving. I thought this for the longest time, probably until I learned the rules to drive.
top belief!
I used to believe that the road signs that pointed up to indicate forward moving traffic were signs intended for airplanes. Naturally, since the sign pointed up, it meant for airplanes to fly up.
when i was young i drove with my family to the village and i saw traffic sign that was warning that we are approaching to left turn and i used to believe that it warns us that piece of crap was on the road and that we should avoid it
Written directly on the asphalt on the road that ran past my school were big letters written in white paint: GO CHILDREN SLOW. There were also two life-sized children painted in white beside the warning. I always thought that two children had been run over by a car on that spot and they just painted the flattened bodies to warn other children not to step out onto the road.
When i was a kid i thought that the white space in the middle of a Do Not Enter sign ment if you entred there you where suppost to write you name in that spot.One day my mom and me were going down the street and i asked her why nobodys name was ever in the white spot she said that you werent suppost to puit your name in it.
I was almost an adult before I realized the reason that almost all US cities have an "Access Road", or a "Frontage Road' in them, and they seem to be very long, and meander all over the place.
I used to believe a dead end sign meant there was a graveyard at the end of the street or zombies
I used to believe that the "no hard shoulder" signs on the motorway meant you had to swap your seatbelt over onto the other shoulder! I can't imagine why.
I used to think that Wheeling (as in Wheeling, WV) was a kind of ramp, like a ramp to get to get onto an interstate. I don't know why but I just never thought of this as an actual city. I used to see road signs all the time while going to my grandma's for wheeling. I just assmed it was a special kind of ramp. I just learned that it was a city when I turned 13.
When I was a kid, I used to believe that the "ped x-ing" signs meant "pediatrician crossing."
In our town there was a street called Broadway. While driving through a neighboring town, i saw another street sign deemed Broadway. I thought, Wow! I didn't know that road led all the way here! I didn't realize that a lot of towns have the same street names :]
top belief!
When I was younger I asked my mom why you had to go slow past a school (school zones) and she told me it was in case a kid ran out in front of the car you would be able to stop quick enough to get out and spank them. I was VERY careful not get off the sidewalk when I was at school for a long time after that!
When I first started seeing the abbreviation BLVD. on street signs, I thought it stood for "beloved". I had not yet heard the word "boulevard".
when i was little my mum was driving on a motorway when i saw a "rescue speed" sign where i got very excited as i thought we were goin to race an ambulance or something - i later learned it was a "reduce speed" sign
When I was a kid and learning how to read about 5 or 6 years old. I remember being in the backseat (without a seatbelt or car seat or booster seat) and getting REALLY scared because my Dad kept passing signs that said "Do Not Pass." I really thought that you weren't supposed drive past that spot.
When I was about 4, I used to believe that the handicapped signs were for people with really big butts. My Aunt was in a wheelchair and she always parked there, so I didn't know the difference until I saw someone who didn't have a big butt (but they were handicapped) park there and I proceeded to tell them that they were not allowed to park there BECAUSE they didn't have a big butt!
I used to believe that the disabled parking sign indicated that this was a place to put your skippyballs.
We took road trips a lot when I was younger. I always looked out the windows and read thigns as we drove. I used to think that the signs "do not pass" and"pass with care" meant that we literally couldn't drive down that part of the road. I used to taunt the signs sticking my toungue out as mom or dad drove by them!!! It wasn't until my oldest sister started driver's training that I finally figured out what they meant!
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