road signs
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When you saw the road signs for how curvy the road was ahead, I use to think that would be the way you would go to heaven if you were killed between that point and the next one. The speed limit under those signs was how slow you would travel to heaven.
When I was a kid we went on a road trip through the mountains in PA. All along the roads are road signs stating watch for falling rock. My dad told me and my siblings that the signs were there because along time ago when Native Americans lived there that there was on named Falling Rock. He was kicked out of the tribe for murdering the chief. After they kick him out they found out he didn't do it and went looking for him only to never find him. That is why the sign are there cause till this day he has not been found. Of course we believed him lol.
You know how signs pointing something in the direction of being right ahead have arrows pointing straight up? I thought that meant it was up in the sky and you had to make your car fly.
As a child on long trips on the freeway I would see the signs that said "Wrong Way" and I always thought to myself "How the hell do you know where I'm going?"
Obviously, I figured these signs out by the age 10.... :)
My family would go on vacation in the summer (usually to the gulf beaches) when I was younger and I used to believe that when we got off a highway or made an interstate change that whatever two cities listed on the road signs were the only two that the road would take you. So if it said I-65 Huntsville, then that is where we were going. I used to think my dad was going the wrong way and I couldn't understand why the sign didn't say Panama City if that is where we were headed.
Whenever I saw those "Deaf Children" signs in some neighborhoods, I thought they said "Decaf Children", so the children were extra slow to get out of the way of cars.
I used to believe that a pedestrian was an alien, so that when I saw signs that said "Pedestrian Crossway Up Ahead" or "Beware of Pedestrians" I'd get scared.
I used to believe when i was little that the signs that read "Slow CHILDREN Ahead" was really, really mean.
I never understood why they wanted us to know there were slow children up ahead.
The yellow and black signs that showed the car swerving when the street was wet, were always giant car creatures with wiggly snake-like legs. Thank goodness the signs warned us when the car creatures were coming!
I used to beleive that the red and green stoplights at each intersection had seceret cameras built in and the people watching from the cameras would wait until the other side was being very polight, and then changed the light to green.
When I was little, i thought that it was illegal to drive past the "Do Not Pass" signs on the highway and if you got caught, you would get a ticket. I would always look out the back window as we drove by to make sure we weren't getting pulled over.
I used to believe the Do Not Pass signs on the roads meant you were'nt aloud to pass the sign. I was 14.
Whenever I would be travelling with my parents, I would always see this road sign, "100 Maximum"...I used to think this place called Maximum must have been a really neat place since no matter where we were, it was only 100 kilometers away! :)
When I was a kid I thought the yellow road sign that says "Watch for Falling Rock" meant to look for an indian named Falling Rock, and one day I asked my dad "When are they ever gonna find Falling Rock?" :)
When I was younger I thought the traingular "No Passing Zone" signs meant that you couldn't drive further than that sign. Every time we drove passed one i would thinkg to myself "well we just did!"... with a so-there attitude.
I used to believe that the Speed Limit signs were pronounced "Speed Lime". Apparently I had seen something in French with a silent T at the end, and thought all T's on the end of words were silent. To this day I read it that way in my head while I'm driving. "Speed Lime 45."
i used to believe that the signs of slippy roads meant that there were some lost handbags and that you should return them to the sign so that they could be picked up by thier owners. i found out latter it meant 'slippy roads'
When I was a child I thought the road sign "pass with care" meant the people that lived in the houses there were really poor and we should take the time to care, not just drive right by.
When I was younger growing up, there was a rollercoaster park named Cedar Point. Well the drive was 3 hours and as we approached it I would see signs "Cedar Point 3 miles" and even closer yet there would be signs that read "Cedar Point Left" and that sign always made me think that Cedar Point moved or left somewhere else and I was always disappointed.
When a friend of mine moved to the US from India, he thought that the 'Haz Mat' signs on trucks carrying hazardous materials meant that you could not laugh if such a truck passed by, or while looking at the truck (Huz - to laugh, Mut - not, in Hindi).
Then I pointed out to him the seeming double negative in the 'No Haz Mat' warning signs on roads leading to tunnels, etc...
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