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Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to traffic lights.

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i used to believe that there were little people in the street lights that payed attention to the cars and traffic, so whenever they felt it necessary, they would switch it. They lived in the lights.

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Stoplights work by using little men behind the colors. Getting stopped at multiple stoplights in a row meant that you had angered these little men and had to pay a ticket you got in the mail

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I used to believe that there were little men inside traffic lights, controlling when they changed, and if you were bad, it would turn read and if you were good it would turn green.

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When I was little, I believed that there was a man in a big silver box changing the stoplights. For years I was thinking, COME ON DUDE WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOREVER!!!
Then when I finally asked one day
"hey mom, how do the stop and go lights change?" then I knew.

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i used to believe that there was a tiny creature in that box with the button you press to cross at the lights, and every time you pressed the button it gave him an electric shock.
therefore i believed that pressing it heaps of times made him hurry up and change the lights

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When I was four, I thought that the traffic lights were controlled by little mice in a control room inside of each traffic light.

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I used to believe that little women worked underground to change the stop lights. They could tell when to change them by using telescopes that went above the surface like submarines.

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i used to believe that there were little mice inside the traffic lights, just chilling inside and evilly making the light red as cars approached

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As a little girl I used to believe that really tiny people controled the traffic lights. So when the light was red I would yell out the window asking the tiny people to turn the red lights green.

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I used to believe that there were tiny blue monkeys in the traffic lights, and they turned the certain lights on when needed, and vice versa. I had an imagination....

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I used to believe that there were little tiny men in white coats inside of stoplights who would watch for cars and change the color of the lights accordingly.

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when i was little, i thought that stoplights were controlled by little men who lived underground at all intersections. they looked up and saw how many cars there were in line and then they pushed a button and switched a light.

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For years I believed very small gnomes lived inside traffic lights and controlled the traffic by alerting each other when to change the colors.

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i used to ask myself how the lights at streets intersections worked. i used to believe that people were under every street changing the lights switches from red to green.

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I used to believe that traffic lights were controlled by a boy and a girl who lived underground and saw the traffic thru cameras and they pulled levers to make the lights change

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i use to think that little mice lived in the stop lights and changed them when people would drive up

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I used to believe there were monkeys inside traffic lights that made them change.

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I used to believe that there were little monkeys living in the traffic lights that would change them on command.

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I use to believe there were people inside the traffic lights changing them. Every time someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I'd tell them that I wanted to live in the Lights and make people crash....I received verrrry weird looks by it to. =)

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When I was 5 or 6 I used to believe there were itty bitty people living inside the stoplights that worked in front of a huge control panel (think what pilots look at while flying) that were in charge of changing the lights from green to yellow to red and vise versa. (I also thought they wore headsets to let each other know it was time to turn the light)

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