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Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to traffic lights.

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My dad used to tell me that midgets lived in the traffic lights, and that if we didn't pay homage to them they'd get cranky and cause accidents. People always did think I was a bit of a retard when I started praying and bowing to the lights...

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When i was little i was told by my mother there where little men in traffic lights that used to change the colour of the lights! I told other kids in school and got the mick taken out of me for ages. That cut deep!

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i used to belive that in the traffic lights there were many little people working the lights.

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I used to think that little men were inside the traffic lights so they could the colors!

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I used to believe that little elves lived in traffic lights and controlled them.

Traffic Life Elf
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When I was smaller than I am now, I used to think that traffic lights were operated by very small people, who live inside them. They could see when no cars were approaching and the green man would allow me to cross the road.

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I used to think that there was a little person sitting inside traffic lights and decided when to make the light green red and yellow.

Jennifer and Emily
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I used to believe that there were tiny people inside traffic lights, looking at how busy the traffic was, and knowing when to turn it green. I thought how interesting it would be to have that job.

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i used to think that there were little men that lived inside the traffice lights and they knew when to change the color of the lights to let people go

Diggy Z
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I used to believe that traffic lights had little people who would hold torches up to the colored glass to change the light.

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When I was about 5 I thought little people hid inside stop-lights to turn them on and off. When I told my mom this, she looked at me like I was crazy then explained to me that it was on timers etc. I still didn't believe her for another year or two later.

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My whole life until I was 7 I used to believe that there were little men inside the traffic lights changing the colours every minute!

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I used to believe that it lived small dwarfs inside traffic lights, how else could the lights change color ?

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when i was younger, i believe that there were little elves who lived in the traffic lights, however, they would be fast asleep with their feet on the button that would put on their light. I believed that when the red and yellow light came on at the same time it was because one of the elves made a mistake whilst asleep and pressed his button at the wrong time and that he would get in alot of trouble when he woke up..poor guy..

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When I used to drive around with my mom, we would stop at traffic lights, (Like everyone on the road usually does), but I thought that little mice lived inside the light bulbs, so I would yell at the "mice" to turn the light green.

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I used to believe that there were little men inside traffics lights changing the colours...only because my dad told me there was..

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I used to believe that a little man would live in a street light and when he was spost to he would press a button for the light to change!!!

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I used to believe that little gnomes worked in the traffic lights. One would run from red to green to yellow at the appropriate times. I used to sit in my parent's car at the red light straining my eyes to see the tiny door the gnomes would enter through on their way to "work".

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I used to believe that little, skinny men lived inside stop lights and looked out through a tiny hole and changed the lights manually

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when i was 5 i thought that there were little men inside traffic lights and they would see the cars and press buttons to change the lights.
I remember the strange look my mum gave me when, waiting at the lights i said "come on little traffic light man, press the green button!"

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