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Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them.
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My sister thinks that there are elves in the traffic lights, and that they have different color butts, one red, one yellow, and one green.

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i used to believe that little mice dressed up in business suits and operated traffic lights. every morning they would climb up the wire and sit down at the console to work all of the traffic lights. i also thought they carried briefcases.

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When I was 5 or 6,I noticed that whenever Dad got caught by a red light,he would scream damn monkeys! So for awile I believed the monkeys controlled traffic lights!

Doug Rachal
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i used to believe that there was a tiny creature in that box with the button you press to cross at the lights, and every time you pressed the button it gave him an electric shock.
therefore i believed that pressing it heaps of times made him hurry up and change the lights

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I used to believe that there were Polly Pockets inside every traffic light that were fighting against each other to get their "light" turned on. I always rooted for the green one.

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I use to believe there were people inside the traffic lights changing them. Every time someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I'd tell them that I wanted to live in the Lights and make people crash....I received verrrry weird looks by it to. =)

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For some strange reason when I was little, I believed that monkeys sat in traffic lights to change them for traffic. I guess that came from being A Flintstones fan!!!

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I used to believe there were men all crammed inside traffic lights and that there were buttons for red green and orang, and whenever there pressed a button, a penny gets sent to their home through a slot. I thought they had a very hard time picking up all that money.

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When i was little, i thought that the way stoplights worked was that when it was green, little aliens that glowed green would walk into the light and stand there, and when it was yellow, little yellow aliens stood in the middle, and the little red aliens stood in the top bulb.

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i used to think that there was a baby sitting inside the traffic lights changing them ever so often, i got a little older, having learnt new things, i thought derr u cant keep a baby in there it must be a robot or even an alien!!

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When I was younger, I used to believe that little trolls lived in street lights; one for each color. When the light needed to be changed, they'd kick or hit the other one to let them know it was time to change. Lol!

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Stoplights work by using little men behind the colors. Getting stopped at multiple stoplights in a row meant that you had angered these little men and had to pay a ticket you got in the mail

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i used to believe that keebler elves controlled stoplights. red lights meant that they were leaving their post to get more cookies.

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I used to believe there were little men inside traffic lights. Their jobs were to push different buttons to make the lights change colors. I wanted to be a little man who worked in their when I grew up. :-)

Traffic Light Man
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my dad used to tell me and my sisters that monkeys controled the street lights and that they lived in the yellow utility boxes....so we would make monkey faces at the light (to the monkeys) so they would turn the light green

nikki s.
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when i was younger i used to think that there was tiny little men who lived in the traffic lights, who decided when they were going to change, so if they saw a car coming that they didnt like the look of, they would change to red!

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I used to believe there were elves that lived in the traffic lights that changed their colours to let cars through intersections. My mum thought I was a nutter when I tried to wave at them.

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I used to think inside traffic lights there were 3 littlr people fighting over which color the light will be. I thought the yellow guy was the weakest since it almost never turns yellow

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I used to believe there were tall skinny guys living inside traffic lights who would switch the different colours on and off, communicating with each other using radios. I also thought there was one guy who worked for the council who would walk around every evening, open up the covers on street lights with a giant set of keys and switch them on, and tick each one off on a clipboard.

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I used to believe that there were little men in all of the traffic lights with three buttons; red, green, and yellow. When there was a long wait in the lights then he had fallen asleep.

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