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Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them

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When I was little I used to think that there were little people who lived in the traffic lights, so I used to wave at them, thinking that they would change for us if we were nice.

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when I was younger I use to beleive that little men hid in stop light poles and they changed the lights form red to green for you. I would always smile at the one nearest to the car so he would change the light faster

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I thought traffic lights were controlled by little men who lived inside them.

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"Traffic lights are operated by monkies inside of them" or so a very reliable source informed me.

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When I was about six, I had a mad obsession with horses. I thought about them every day, collected horse things, bought horse magazines - but the maddest thing I ever believed was that in traffic lights, (why traffic lights??) There was a horse, all cramped, who sat IN the traffic light and pressed different coloured buttons and the lights would appear. Don't ask why, I just did, OK?

Jess H
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I used to believe that miniature men worked in the stoplights and were responsible for changing the colors. I imagined that when their shift was over, they would come down an elevator inside the poles at the intersections.

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when i was 5 i thought that there were little men inside traffic lights and they would see the cars and press buttons to change the lights.
I remember the strange look my mum gave me when, waiting at the lights i said "come on little traffic light man, press the green button!"

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When i was little i used to belevie that there was little tiny people inside the traffic lights controlling them, And whenever i heard about a car accident on the news i though that the little person must ahve fallen asleep.

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When I was little, there were metal boxes that sat on the corner of the road by the traffic lights. I thought a "little man" lived in there and controlled the red lights. I also thought that 24 hour stores were operated by only one person. I thought the person that worked there lived inside the storr

Nicole S.
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i used to believe that a family of little people lived in the traffic light who pushed buttons to make the lights shine and i would picture myself in a traffic light and whenever the light would change the whole room filled up with that color

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I used to think trained mice were in traffic lights.I imagined a whole control room and mice wearing uniforms. I found out a couple years ago when i was 5 or 6 it was untrue. Im 11 now

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when i was in 4th or 5th grade i used to think there were
little red, yellow, and green light monsters in the street
lights and that when they burned out the next color went
and so on then i found out about technology....

monsters live in street lights
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When I was little, I believed squirrels lived inside street lights and would change them from red to green and such.

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I don't know how I got this idea, but when I was little I used to believe that little men changed the stop lights at their will. So when we came to the stop lights I would always wave up at them to make them happy so they'd let us pass.

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I used to believe that traffic lights had little monkeys living in them. There were three, one for each light color. When it was time for their appropriate light to come on, they would jump on a little lever and it would light up. Then they would jump off when the lights changed.

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My dad told me that traffic lights changed color because a little monkey ran along the wires and changed the light when it was time. I believed this until I was about 7.

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I used to believe that little women worked underground to change the stop lights. They could tell when to change them by using telescopes that went above the surface like submarines.

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I used to believe that they stuffed little babies into traffic lights, and they were the ones who changed the colors.

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When I was little I used to think that there were mice in the traffic lights. There was one on each side and they would hold up the colored lights. Then there was one in each corner that would look out at the traffic with binoculars and tell the others when to change the light.

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my sisters led me to believe that there were very small men inside traffic lights who would control the lights when they saw the cars lining up.

my parents also managed to convince me that the television only worked for the half hour sesame street was on. when i went to other kids' houses and saw their televisions on all the time my parents convinced me that they had special televisions. i don't know why i didnt just try to turn the thing on.

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