Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Traffic lights are operated by creatures who live inside them. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to traffic 9 of 13
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I Used to believe that there was little men inside of street lights telling the lights when to turn red, green, or yellow. The little man would just look to see if there were any cars. And when the lights were broken I thought they were on vacation.
I used to beleive that traffic lights chaged because of a little man inside it, looking for cars, and changing the lights according to the traffic.
I used to think there were gnomes living in traffic lights that changed them from red to green, etc.
when we were younger we use to think that there was tiny people in the stoplights that would press a button for it to change from red, green, and yellow.
When I was little, I used to think that there were little trolls sitting in the traffic lights, and they would shine their little colored flashlights when it was time for the lights to change.
When my daughter was little she used to believe that there were tiny men inside the traffic lights that changed the colours each time the lights changed.
When I was about 4 years old, my dad told me that there were elves in the stop lights the would push the button when it was time for the car to go or stop.I believed this until I was 8.
I used to think that there was a little person sitting inside traffic lights and decided when to make the light green red and yellow.
When I was little my dad told me that monkeys lived inside the stoplights. I used to picture them in there eating vanilla icecream (cuz that was my favorite ice cream at the time)
When i was little, i used to believe that martians or tiny people lived in the street lights and turned the lights off and on according to how dark or light it was outside...
when i was little i belived that mice controlled the traffic lights
When I was little and we were going somewhere on a trip in the car. As we approached a stoplight, I actually believed there were little people inside the stoplights that would change the light when it was safe to change it, LOL!!!!!!!!!!
When I was little I used to think that there were little people in the stop lights controling them. I also thought there were little people controling the turning signals in cars.
when i was little i believed that tiny people with fluffy tails lived under the street and changed the lights.
I used to believe that there will little knomes or elves inside traffic lights that would change the colors from red..then to green
i used to believe that little gnomes hid inside traffic lights and would make the light change from green, to yellow, to red.
I used to think that dwarves lived in traffic lights and watched the cars to see when he should switch the light. Guess not!
When I was little about 3 or 4,before I learned about electricity and computers, I used to believe there were little people in the traffic lights to change the colors.
I used to think that traffic lights were actually operated by tiny people who worked inside the wide base of each pole.
When I used to drive around with my mom, we would stop at traffic lights, (Like everyone on the road usually does), but I thought that little mice lived inside the light bulbs, so I would yell at the "mice" to turn the light green.
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