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traffic lights

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My brother used to tell me that the lighthouse was a signal for babysitters to report to the office because there is a baby in need of sitting.

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My dad had convinced me and my sister that he was in control of the traffic lights because when he said green it would turn green. Only recently did me,17 and my sister,20 realize that they were timed and after a few seconds of the other lights turning red, ours would turn green. :)

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i used to believe that a man lived in the traffic lights and would change the colors. I spent hours trying to think of how he would fit.

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I used to believe that the government knew where we wanted to turn at an intersection. It wasn't until I was tall enough (twelve years old) to see the 'left turn only' sign on the street that turning lanes came to mind.

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When I was little I believed that stoplights were activated when they saw their specified color. So, being a redhead, I'd duck every time I saw a stoplight.

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I was always amazed as a kid that the traffic lights knew when to change. I imagined that there were little tiny people inside (I saw them with little elf-type hats and shoes) who sat there looking out over the road. When they saw cars coming, they'd hit this big button that would change the colors of the lights. I believed this until I learned about the sensors in the road at about age 12.

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My parents used to tell me that the yellow traffic light meant to go faster instead of use caution. I guess it makes sense because that's what everyone does anyways.

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when i was little, i used to think that little mice lived in the traffic lights and were control of when they changed color

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I used to believe that a little man sat inside traffic lights and watched all the cars and decided when to change the lights. I also believed that the car automatically knew where you were going and would turn on the turn signals itself.

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Until about age seven, when underground traffic light sensors were explained to me, I believed that traffic lights were actually much bigger than they looked to me from the car- also that there were little elf-like men in green suits sitting inside them at all times, choosing when to change the light. I used to smile really big at the bottom light to impress them, so we could get wherever we were going faster.

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I used to believe the traffic lights could be changed if you concentrated hard enough. I used to practice on the bus every day and my sister always complained how I made weird faces.

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when I was younger I once saw my friend after she had had a green lollipop, and her tongue was green. from that point on until I was about 8, I believed the stoplights changed because of people sticking their tongues on the glass.

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When I was little, around five years old, I believed that all traffic lights had cameras on them, and that people watched the cameras to decide exactly when to turn the light yellow to avoid car accidents.

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When i was little i thought all of the traffic lights in the world were controlled by a man in a big room full of moniters. He would just run back and forth pressing buttons in the room to change the lights. Whenever a light was taking especially long i assumed it was because he was tired :D

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that the green traffic light turned blue when it was off

Kriket Evens
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I used to believe that the traffic lights are controlled by a person sitting in some office near it. That person is in front of a lot of TV monitors so he could see when to push the right buttons for red, yellow and green.

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My dad could change a traffic light from red to green using our garage door opener.

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When I was little i thought that there were people whose job it was was to stand inside a stop light and make the lights change.

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When I was a real little kid, I knew directions everywhere, so one day when my mom was driving (I was in the backseat) and stopped at a stoplight I commented about how the people who worked the stoplights never got to go home. My mom then laughed and told me that machines worked the stoplights. I was terrified! I told my mom they could make us crash and that people could control it better! Which, really, isn't true at all.

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I used to think that traffic lights were controlled by elevators with light inside them, so when it went to green, it turned green, and all the other stuff.

LOL elevator lights
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