i used to believe

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I used to think that trains had a big eye on the front (the light) and they could see people along side of the track. My brother in law had me believing that trains would chase you through the yard and then leap back on the track if they wanted to. When my sister and her husband moved right beside a railroad track, I was terrified to go visit.

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I used to belive that the metro was was underwater so I alwas tried to see fish and squids and sharks I was so depressed when I found out it was just underground I was 6

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My Grandfather and dad were talking about the trains near his hometown when I was 6, and he said that "They can lift the empty carts onto the track with a pitchfork" and although now I'm pretty sure he meant to say forklift I spent the next few years thinking a farmer put train carts onto the track with his pitchfork.

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When i was younger, and i didn't understand how trains and subways worked. i would never know how they could have one train going one way, and another train going the other.

i used to think that they had people waiting at the end of the track, to take the train off, and turn it around, so it could go back the way it just came from.

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In my child hood we as children used to believe if a tain run over a steel or iron it will get converted to magnet...
magnets were still very crazy thing for me...
another one i used to believe if we throw a coin in sky to much height it will hit a plane..and i got fear of tha as well..

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I thought the underground railroad was actually a subway.

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I used to think they let people draw and write on the trains to make them pretty. (NYC in the 80's)Sra. Narcissa

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When trains (subways) go underground, my little sister thought that the lights were shooting stars.

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When i was young i lived close to traintracks... I use to believe that the train would crash into my house and would actually have nightmares about it. Since then the sound of trains give me the creeps

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I have no idea where I got this, but I heard somewhere that if you stood on the train tracks, you would not be able to hear the train coming. It still scares me to cross the train tracks, though I'll do it just to prove myself wrong. (I'm 21!)

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When I first rode the train at about 6 years old, my aunt told me they were each named for how much noise they made. For example, the "Q" train stood for "quiet" and the "R" train stood for "rambunctious"

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I used to think trains were really high above the ground and moved at lightning speed. I had nightmares before my first train ride, thinking it would be more like a roller coaster.

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When i first moved to London when i was little, My mum told me that all the screeching and scrapping noises the tube train made was people who had got hit by a train's bones grinding on the rails! I stayed well away from the yellow line because i didnt want my bones grinding on the rails for all eternity!

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I grew up in south London, and there was a London Underground line and a main line railway near us. Both were electrified with live rails, so I thought all railway lines were live, until one day we went to a preserved railway. As we were walking around the depot yard I said to my Mum "It's dangerous to step on these tracks. Aren't they live?" To which she answered that that was only on the Underground and the Southern Region (and a few other places such as Merseyside). My Mum tells me that as a child she had likewise thought that all railway lines were live. It didn't occur to her that steam trains didn't need live rails! Still, I suppose it is safe to think that, as it deters you from trespassing on railway lines!

Alan, Sheffield
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when i was little i used to believe that if you stepped over the yellow line on the platform at the train station that the train would whoosh past and you would get caught on it and never be seen again

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As I was little I thought the rails in the city for the tram were electrical - so I never stepped on them, I jumped like a rabbit, as I didn't want to get an electrical shock. Today I know better but I still don't feel well, when I have to cross those rails and I try to avoid, stepping on them... (I am 31).

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My girlfriend (who's 20 yrs old) didn't realise until the other year that trains have wheels. She'd assumed they were somehow hovering.

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I used to think that the upper struture on the caboose was the rest room.

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When I was a child, I was convinced that there was a certain type of criminal who specialized in pushing people in front of on-coming subway cars. I used to ride the subway with my Mom in NYC quite a bit and she was always warning me not to get too close to the yellow line because someone would "push me into the path of the train" -- I didnt realize that she meant that this might happen accidentally. Rather, I believed that every station had armies of "bad guys" looking to toss people in front of trains as they come into the station and that anyone who got too close to the edge of the platform was going down.

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My younger brother swears that I told him if he stood between the rails on the railroad track, he couldn't be injured. Yes, he's still alive!

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