Choose one of the following categories: hobbies, i'm different, toys,or view the best beliefs in this section as voted by visitors. Here are the most recently added beliefs:
When i was young i used to belive that my bear basket in witch i put my toys was in fact a monster beacause when I slept and open my eyes he was staring at me eyes to eyes I thinked he wanted to kill me beacause it was the night and he looked realy scary
Sometimes beafore sleeping i would turn him around so he couldn't see me , but when I wake up he was back looking into my eyes .
I know nowaday that that was my parents who turned him back when i was sleeping .
Even now I dont sleep with that bear in my room
When i was little i used to have a stuffed animal that my grandmother gave me ,it was a tiger and his name was The eater of nightmares, because i believe that he eated all of my bad dreams so that i can sleep well.Now that i know it was false i find it funny and cute ,even thought that i know it doesn't work i still sleep with him.
When I was a young, I used to believe my cuddle toy moved at night when I sleep and when i played with them, I used to believe they talked with me but when I grew up I understood that my cuddly toy was not real but it was me who made them move so I was sad because it was me who talked with my cuddle toy.
When I was young, I used to believe my playmobils were alive.
I used to play playmobils and I tidied up in their box, I used to believe they talked and I didn't want hurt them. I watched Toy Story and I believed it was true.
I grew up so I stopped believing that. When I thaught it again, I find it's funny.
When I was a child, I used to believe my toys were alive and could talk to each other when I wasn't there or I i was sleeping like in Toy Story.
I played a lot with Playmobil and dolls when I was young.
One day, I was in my bedroom and I decided to make a snack for my dolls, they were in circle around the table.
I gave them small plates and cups for coffee or tea imaginary and cookies and fruits invisibles.
I talked to them and I imagined that they woulmd answer it's was a very good moment.
This belief marked my childhood and me brought magic and a lot of imagination.
Today, I no longer but I find this belief is funny and it's a very good memories.
When I was young, I used to believe life was mine and people around me were figurants like in a movie. Whe my mom was young, she used to believe that too. It can looks so self centered but I really thought that ...
One day, I went to a shop, I saw people and I thought they just played a role a they weren't natural, they felt no emotions like robots.
When I grew up, I became more matur and I realized it was wrong. Enveryone feel emotions and are unique. People aren't centered on my self. I was a little sad but it's like that !
top belief!
When I was 7 years old, I used to believe my dolls woke up and talked together when I wasn't in my bedroom.
So to see them talking, I stole my mother's phone to film them while I wasn't in my room.
But when my mom searched her phone and found it in my bedroom, she punished me. When she finally show me the video, my dolls didn't talk together and I was very disappointed because I was punished for nothing.
I thought my younger sister could fly, because one time she jumped off the bed and went really far. I kept trying to make her do it again. I'm surprised she never got badly injured.
When I was younger, I used to think my cuddly toys come to life when I came out of my bedroom.
I used to belive that the toys would become real and they would speak and play. When I stopped looking.
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