Choose one of the following categories: adverts, being watched, cartoons, computer games, films, radio, tv, tv shows, websites,or view the best beliefs in this section as voted by visitors. Here are the most recently added beliefs:
I used to believe cartoons where real people. You can imagine how that went...
After watching the flying nun my sister believed that nuns could fly. i told her nuns can^t. she believed me when she saw the simpsons epsoide when the nun said nun can^t fly
When I was very young, for some reason, I thought if you had a gun and shot your television, you would be able to climb inside it and play with all your cartoon friends!
When I was five years old I saw Romeo and Juliet living in my backyard.... I know it was them.. or maybe it was the gnomes..
There was an episode of SpongeBob where a teen girl character said "Finally, a cool place for teens to just, you know, hang out!" in a squeaky voice. I found her voice hard to understand and didn't hear the "hang out" part, so I thought she said "a cool place for teens to dispiano", and that unknown word "dispiano" meant party or something.
As a little kid, I thought the tv had rooms that you would select to see. And that the people inside could see you. I would have toys with me to impress the people
a sitcom meant that you sat while you were watching the comedy
I used to believe that every person in the world had their own Wikipedia page about their life
When I saw it in a coloring book, I thought Mr. Krabs was frozen in peanut butter in the original SpongeBob movie, not in ice because it wasn’t a big block of ice, but was dripping and covered his form.
When I was really little I always watched my dad play Bejeweled. If he moved two gems that didn't make a valid combo it would say "illegal move" and I cried because I thought he would go to jail.
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